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Posted: 5/4/2003 12:29:38 PM EDT
Finally my mom has moved from her stand on pistols and other handguns, my dad and I are finally able to start working on buying a Beretta.  Took two long months of debates (resembled the elections in 2000, nobody gaining ground) but she finally gave in, score one for the gun owners.  Now you would probably think that this was easy, it wasn't my mother is a anti-gun member right down to her bones, the only reason she tolerates it is because I am a hunter.  My dad was the easiest to convince about this, he is a pacifist in every sense of the term which created a problem.  He is not against the military though, he served in ROTC at Notre Dame for a certain amount of time.  Hard enough to convince both of them, they listen to much to the political guns = evil feelings that are talked about each day.  But they finally gave the ok because I took the steps, checked out every gun store in a 30 mile radius to find the best price, made a time frame of how long it would take to work up the money, also talked with them about it, also the past couple of years helped also, I am a safety nut when it comes to firearms, gotten me in trouble though when I slapped my little cousin up side the head because he had some how found my BBgun (it was hidden on the top self of my closet unloaded and locked with a cable lock to the self, also had a trigger lock on it, I have no clue of even how he got the cable lock unlocked) and decided it would be funny to point it at me.  Now not even one of my cousins goes near my door, or into my room cause they don't want to get yelled at for a hour (yes I spent a hour yelling and chewing him out, his parents did the same after I got done).  But now in around 3 months I will be the proud owner of a new Beretta model 92FS.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 4:01:02 PM EDT
Something tells me you are going to love that little gun
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 7:27:18 PM EDT
I already love it, held one when I was up visiting West Point fell in love with it there and then, my uncle has a Beretta model 8000 Cougar, he says that the model 92FS is much better than that pistol.  I only can hope that PistolCraft will still have 5 extra 15 rd. mags for me when I get enough money.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:00:43 AM EDT
dont worry id say therearemore 15,16 17 and 18 round mags around for the FS92 You my friend will have no problem getting the fairly inexpensivly at that.i bought the bulk of my 15 rounders when i got the gun in 1997,i still see them for the same price between 20-30 bucks each.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:43:02 AM EDT
While waiting for the new family member, you may want to scout the newspaper or garage sales for a small handgun sized safe.
In the long run, it can save you from yelling and the gun from "walking".
Besides the obvious safety issues you describe, I think that would make mom feel more comfortable too.
Nice gun, enjoy!
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 6:20:43 PM EDT
Oh believe me that was one of the things that was stipulated, well I made the proposal.  Its going to be quadrupal locked, one gunsafe, pistol gun safe inside the gun safe, trigger lock, and cable lock.
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