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Posted: 5/14/2002 7:31:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 1:18:34 PM EDT
Don`t see why.......what is the concern?
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 8:43:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 8:54:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 8:23:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 10:51:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 10:18:03 AM EDT
Ok I`ll bite . What?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 2:21:39 PM EDT
There ain't no answer, never has been an answer and never will be an answer. That's the answer.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:41:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 12:04:48 PM EDT

The 3 of you have the sense of humor of dryer lint.

                                           Three guys pass...and go on to heaven.....they look around...and all they see is DUCKS....everywhere...allover the place....st. pete finally shows up and tells them they`ll do fine....they were good men........JUST don`t step on any ducks......time goes by....one of them steps on a duck....accidentally of course.....here comes st. pete....with the ugliest-stinkiest woman and cuffs her to him....telling him they are together for eternity.....he yells...."it was an accident".....time goes by.....and another guy steps on a duck.....well here comes st. pete with another ugly stinky woman...cuffs them and says they are together for eternity...."but I didn`t do it on purpose!".....st. pete says.."you were warned"......time goes by....here comes st. pete with a beautiful..totally gorgeous woman.....cuffs her to guy 3 and tells them they are together for eternity.......st. pete leaves...guy 3 looks at the girl and says "what did I do to deserve this?".....the girl says....."I don`t know what you did...but I stepped on a duck!".........
Link Posted: 5/25/2002 1:01:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 3:56:04 AM EDT

Ok I`ll bite . What?

I'll bite too.
...was the question?
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