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Posted: 5/12/2003 9:43:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:48:57 PM EDT
Mentally or physically? [B)]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:50:11 PM EDT
I win. My wife says I have the mentality of a 5 year old and drive like a blinding and deaf 90 year old. [:D]

Edited: And the spelling prowess of a dumb first grader.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:51:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:52:05 PM EDT

Zoom is supposed to be a Korean War veteran.

That would make him around 70 y/o.

Of course he could be a thirteen y/o girl. It is the internet after all.

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:52:18 PM EDT
<----middle of the AR15.com road @ 26
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 9:57:10 PM EDT
<-----defined by the 28yr old NORMAN as a "youngin"
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:09:13 PM EDT
I will be seventeen this June 1. Youngest I know is Sniper_Wolfe, last I heard he's 14.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:10:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:13:51 PM EDT
21 here
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:46:57 PM EDT
19 here.. 20 in June!
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:54:08 PM EDT
33 very soon.

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 11:20:32 PM EDT
53. Man, what am I doin' hangin' with all these kids? [:)]

When I was 17 - Johnson was president.

...........20 - Nixon

...........33 - Reagan

Maybe it keeps me young.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 11:32:53 PM EDT
Of course he could be a thirteen y/o girl. It is the internet after all.
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Actually, I'll be 14 next month. [:)]

This topic came-up a couple of years ago, and there were two posters even older than me.  Also, I know three older local guys that often read but never post.  One served under Chesty Puller (hi Bobby) during WWII, so he always has an interesting story or three to share, and I wish he'd post.  I'm sure there's a lot more that don't post.  You have to keep in mind that for us older folks, participating doesn't come as easily.  I lurked on Usenet for over 10 years and here for over six months before finally posting.

Combat_Jack is 17 and Sniper_Wolfe 14?  Wow, I would have never guessed you two were that young.z
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 11:35:55 PM EDT
I turned 24 not long ago [V]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 11:36:41 PM EDT
Combat_Jack is 17 and Sniper_Wolfe 14?  Wow, I would have never guessed you two were that young.z
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Thank you sir.
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