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Posted: 10/27/2019 9:42:56 PM EDT
So I've been on a Sci Fi binge that included The Mote in Gods Eye, Footfall, and the Hyperion Cantos.

I really liked all of them, so I'm looking for some similar stuff.

I had never really been into Sci Fi previously.

What do you have for me
Link Posted: 10/27/2019 9:53:36 PM EDT
I enjoyed Timothy Zahn The Quadrail Series. Also his Conquerors Trilogy was good. Second book was hard to read at first cause it is a different point of view from the first book.
Link Posted: 10/27/2019 10:00:55 PM EDT
The Expanse. 'Nuff said.

Praxis series by Walter Jon Williams. Nuts and bolts interstellar naval warfare in Einsteinian space.

The Bobiverse by Dennis Taylor. A man's consciousness is uploaded into a Starship's prototype AI to stabilize it, and he explores the galaxy, twinning himself in newly built ships.

Grimmer Than Hell by David Drake. The author of the bleak Hammer's Slammers stories offers up some stories that are, in fact, grimmer than Hell. Downright haunting.
Link Posted: 10/28/2019 8:38:01 AM EDT
Wait a year then do Lucifer's Hammer (very similar story to footfall without the aliens).

Pushing Ice - Alistair Reynolds. Mundane near space scifi to OMGWTF scifi in the same book.

The Expanse Series

David Brin's Sundiver / Uplift War series. (Sundiver the first one is sorta meh but the rest get really good.)

Hammer's Slammers for some good military stuff.

Berzerker and Bolo series (two different ones).

Clarke's Songs of Distant Earth

Gibson's Burning Chrome and Neuromancer series.
Link Posted: 10/28/2019 9:25:32 PM EDT
The Night’s Dawn trilogy by Peter K Hamilton.
Link Posted: 10/31/2019 6:44:39 PM EDT
thanks for the suggestions

I've decided to re-read the entire Hyperion cantos since there's so much detail and nuance that I might have missed.

I'll circle back to this thread after that.
Link Posted: 12/25/2019 10:41:34 PM EDT
alright... finished the Hyperion re-read last night. It was def worthwhile to read it again.

Checking out some of these suggestions now.
Link Posted: 12/25/2019 10:45:16 PM EDT
Red Rising series by Pierce Brown

Absolutely fantastic.  Non-stop action, great writing, and great characters.
Link Posted: 12/27/2019 10:50:18 AM EDT
Alas Babylon was good.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:27:40 PM EDT
Sten by Chriss Cole and Alan Bunch

Very bloody future sci-fi military series.

Semi-serious page turners.
Link Posted: 1/10/2020 11:14:40 PM EDT
Larry Correia, numerous book series, gun lover, Monster Hunter series.
Link Posted: 1/11/2020 8:26:55 PM EDT
Finished The Expanse tv season 4 last week.
Ordered books 1-7 and started 1 this afternoon.  almost finished.
Preordered book 8.  releases 1/21.  will probably finish book 7 by then.  stupid life and work getting in the way of the books.
Link Posted: 1/11/2020 8:31:12 PM EDT
I actually am on Expanse book 2 now!
Link Posted: 1/18/2020 3:18:30 PM EDT
Heart of the Comet, by David Brin & Gregory Benford.

A scientific mission tries to colonize Halley's Comet, only to discover that it's... not that easy. I won't spoil it for you.
Link Posted: 1/19/2020 12:07:33 AM EDT
Peter F Hamilton:  Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained.   This is part of the Commonwealth Saga by Hamilton.    The Night's Dawn Trilogy is part of the Confederacy Saga which is a completely different universe.

I prefer the Commonwealth Saga as it is very Utopian versus Dystopian (which I am sick of ).

Imagine a Post Scarcity Universe that you can live in freely in any economy or social setting you please.  The aliens that you have met are all very nice and fun to be around or, at the minimum, fascinating to be around.  ...then you meet an enemy which NONE of you may be able to handle.  Beyond very minor police actions, no one has been in a real war for over a thousand years....what will you do?

Link Posted: 1/22/2020 8:04:25 PM EDT
Have you read the original Dune?
Link Posted: 1/22/2020 10:15:28 PM EDT
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Have you read the original Dune?
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Yes I read the first 3
Link Posted: 1/22/2020 10:25:15 PM EDT
The expanse
Link Posted: 1/22/2020 10:28:32 PM EDT
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I actually am on Expanse book 2 now!
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We just just finished watching season 4, bad assed show, definitely going to get the books now cause season 5 doesn’t come out for a year, i hear in the books the characters are even better.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 1:29:11 AM EDT
The Troy Rising series by John Ringo is excellent.

I would also recommend the Dahak series by David Weber. Just wish they'd become available on Audible.

The Prince Roger series by John Ringo and David Weber was also very good. I plan to put that in rotation for my son when he comes of age.

If you like military SciFi the Starfire series by David Weber and Steven White is really good. I'd recommend starting with Crusade and not Insurrection. Insurrection was the first book written of the series but Crusade is first chronologically. Works much better that way.

If you are a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs then The Sky People by S. M. Sterling is right up your alley. Quite the enjoyable read.

Link Posted: 1/25/2020 6:16:54 PM EDT
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If you are a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs then The Sky People by S. M. Sterling is right up your alley. Quite the enjoyable read.

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I liked In The Courts Of The Crimson Kings even better, but Sky People was very good.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 6:38:05 PM EDT
I just dove into Pournelle's Codominium books.

Set in the same universe as thew Mote books.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 8:40:13 PM EDT
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I liked In The Courts Of The Crimson Kings even better, but Sky People was very good.
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I keep hoping he puts out more books in the series.
Link Posted: 1/25/2020 11:14:09 PM EDT
I'll always reccomend the Expanse, I've got all the books on epub and audiobook (Seriously, Jefferson Mays the narrator of the audiobooks is amazing) and I'm working on getting them all in hardcover.

Pallas/Ceres by L. Neil Smith

Beyond the Aquila Rift is also good.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 1:51:48 AM EDT
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I keep hoping he puts out more books in the series.
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I liked In The Courts Of The Crimson Kings even better, but Sky People was very good.
I keep hoping he puts out more books in the series.
That would be cool, we now know there are more than a few moons orbiting gas giants that would be suitable for habitation in his universe.
Link Posted: 1/29/2020 11:47:46 AM EDT
go old school
find some assimov (foundation series is great)
or some heinlein

burroughs barsoom series
Link Posted: 2/1/2020 6:04:11 PM EDT
Ringo is always worth a read; the Troy series and his zombie novels are excellent.

Dies the Fire and sequela by Stirling are excellent, as is Conquistador, Peshawar Lancers, and the Draka series.

Anything by Roger Zelazny is excellent;  he's best known for the Amber Series but my personal favorite is Lord of Light.

With regard to all who serve the Light,
Link Posted: 2/9/2020 11:37:08 PM EDT
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Red Rising series by Pierce Brown

Absolutely fantastic.  Non-stop action, great writing, and great characters.
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Another vote for Red Rising. Hands down favorite fiction series I have read, or rather listened to (Audible) and I have over 100 books on there.
Link Posted: 6/25/2020 8:12:55 AM EDT
Author:  James P. Hogan
Series:  The Giants Novels (Inherit the Stars, The Gentle Giants of Ganymede, and Giants' Star)
Slightly near future where the story starts with a dead human in a spacesuit is found on the moon.  The mystery is that he's been dead for 50,000 years.

Author: Daniel Keys Moran
Series:  Tales of the Continuing Time
Near future (and some far future) Tech setting.  A vision of where tech and society may be headed.  Has aged well, even though the series was started in the 1980s and author is still writing more books in this setting.

Author:  Evan Currie
Series:  On Silver Wings
Near future with FTL (jump tech between solar systems) where Humans meet hostile aliens that are more advanced.  Main character is a female Green Beret.

Link Posted: 6/25/2020 9:02:10 AM EDT
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Alas Babylon was good.
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Along the same lines (i.e. nuclear holocaust), Malevil was pretty good. The owner of a French country manor survives a nearby nuclear blast, and slowly rebuilds society after the war ends.


Hard to believe that no one has mentioned Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. Forget the movie; the director intended to deliberately defile the story. This book is a great treatise on citizenship, disguised as a good SF story. It drew the greatest amount of fan mail  (positive AND negative) of any of his stories!
Link Posted: 7/3/2020 6:29:41 PM EDT
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Larry Correia, numerous book series, gun lover, Monster Hunter series.
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Ditto on this suggestion, his books are a blast to read. I've never laughed so hard in my life while reading as I have with some of the stuff he's pulled off.

Link Posted: 7/3/2020 6:35:54 PM EDT
Autumn Rain Trilogy is pretty hardcore:


Essentially Cyberpunk meets man's early Space Development (bases and biz on the Moon, but no interstellar.)

WW4 breaks out in the midst of the series.
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 11:52:11 PM EDT
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Wait a year then do Lucifer's Hammer (very similar story to footfall without the aliens).

Pushing Ice - Alistair Reynolds. Mundane near space scifi to OMGWTF scifi in the same book.

The Expanse Series

David Brin's Sundiver / Uplift War series. (Sundiver the first one is sorta meh but the rest get really good.)

Hammer's Slammers for some good military stuff.

Berzerker and Bolo series (two different ones).

Clarke's Songs of Distant Earth

Gibson's Burning Chrome and Neuromancer series.
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I read William Gibson's books in the early 90's.  I wonder how the story telling and imagery holds up to todays' perceptions of virtual reality and augmented reality?
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 2:01:36 AM EDT
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I read William Gibson's books in the early 90's.  I wonder how the story telling and imagery holds up to todays' perceptions of virtual reality and augmented reality?
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I re-read the whole trilogy recently. I think they hold up very well when taken on their own terms.

The Sprawl trilogy is extremely good, as are his early short stories.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 7:32:20 PM EDT
Bruce Sterling writes in a way that compliments Gibson's dystopian futures.  I recall one story where a drifter comes into a small town and the locals at the tavern all hover around a pool table that has been re-purposed to play an augmented reality biplane dogfight video game.  One thing mentioned in the story is some locals are betting with paper currency that was laminated to keep it from falling apart.  I get the impression Sterling was already predicting a paperless monetary system, in which paper money is still favored for transactions that couldn't be tracked.
Link Posted: 7/6/2020 12:24:24 AM EDT
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Bruce Sterling writes in a way that compliments Gibson's dystopian futures.  I recall one story where a drifter comes into a small town and the locals at the tavern all hover around a pool table that has been re-purposed to play an augmented reality biplane dogfight video game.  One thing mentioned in the story is some locals are betting with paper currency that was laminated to keep it from falling apart.  I get the impression Sterling was already predicting a paperless monetary system, in which paper money is still favored for transactions that couldn't be tracked.
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That's a Gibson story in Burning Chrome.
Link Posted: 7/8/2020 6:18:12 PM EDT
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That's a Gibson story in Burning Chrome.
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Thanks!  I figure it had to be Burning Chrome or Mirror Shades.
Link Posted: 7/13/2020 4:33:40 PM EDT
Passage At Arms




The Atrocity Archive (Laundry Files series)
Link Posted: 7/15/2020 2:53:30 AM EDT
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Passage At Arms




The Atrocity Archive (Laundry Files series)
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Love love love the Laundry Files
Link Posted: 7/15/2020 2:58:47 AM EDT
Nick Cole stuff is a lot of fun too:

Ctrl Alt Revolt -> Soda Pop Soldier -> Pop Kult Warlord

And the WRYD series are fun and fast reads.
Link Posted: 10/28/2020 12:36:48 AM EDT
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Imagine a Post Scarcity Universe that you can live in freely in any economy or social setting you please.  The aliens that you have met are all very nice and fun to be around or, at the minimum, fascinating to be around.  ...then you meet an enemy which NONE of you may be able to handle. Beyond very minor police actions, no one has been in a real war for over a thousand years....what will you do?
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Turn my spaceship around and use my communication laser as a weapon?
Link Posted: 10/28/2020 12:39:27 AM EDT
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Bruce Sterling writes in a way that compliments Gibson's dystopian futures.  I recall one story where a drifter comes into a small town and the locals at the tavern all hover around a pool table that has been re-purposed to play an augmented reality biplane dogfight video game.  One thing mentioned in the story is some locals are betting with paper currency that was laminated to keep it from falling apart.  I get the impression Sterling was already predicting a paperless monetary system, in which paper money is still favored for transactions that couldn't be tracked.
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The Duel.  That was a great story.  "Looks like I've got a treat in store for me!"
Link Posted: 10/28/2020 12:57:54 AM EDT
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Alas Babylon was good.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 10/28/2020 3:24:03 PM EDT
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alright... finished the Hyperion re-read last night. It was def worthwhile to read it again.

Checking out some of these suggestions now.
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Hyperion is my favorite series of all time.

You should check out Pandora's Star.
Link Posted: 12/16/2021 4:24:53 PM EDT
David Weber, and Steve White Starfire series.

1. Crusade (1992)
2. In Death Ground (1997)
3. The Shiva Option (2002)
4. Insurrection (1990)
5. Exodus (2006)
6. Extremis (2011)
7. Imperative (2016)
8. Oblivion (2018)
Link Posted: 12/20/2021 9:48:47 PM EDT
Ringworld, Ringworld Engineers, Ringworld Throne, Ringworlds Children, THEN go read the 5-book Fleet of Worlds series.

Then read the Complete InterstellerNet compendium.

Link Posted: 12/21/2021 11:38:55 PM EDT
The 3 B's. Bear, Brin and Bova.

Anything really.

Heinlein, Niven

Lois Joy McMaster(Vorkosigan Saga) one of my favorites

Baxter's Manifold trilogy.

Link Posted: 12/21/2021 11:43:23 PM EDT
Battlefield Earth
Link Posted: 12/24/2021 2:17:18 PM EDT
It probably wouldn’t make a lot of people’s definition of sci-fi, but Dan Abnett’s initial Eisenhorn trilogy is a load of fun.
Link Posted: 12/24/2021 6:32:05 PM EDT
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It probably wouldn't make a lot of people's definition of sci-fi, but Dan Abnett's initial Eisenhorn trilogy is a load of fun.
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Not hard sci-fi, but it's great.

The Warhammer Universe is a fascinating take on the future, above and beyond the Space Marines.
Link Posted: 1/23/2022 12:16:53 AM EDT
Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe.

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