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Posted: 5/2/2001 4:53:22 PM EDT

this page has a real good argument against the bible preaching sheeple.

but if anyone can specifically point out versus for ownership of arms that would be helpfull.

i pointed out Luke 22:36-38 to a co-worker and she flew right off the handle  
Link Posted: 5/2/2001 5:24:36 PM EDT
Did a search to find thse verses and  look what I found:


Link Posted: 5/2/2001 5:41:48 PM EDT
 They are sheeple, that's why they have a Shepherd.  This Shepherd also has sheepdogs: it is our duty to stand between the sheep(le) and the wolves.  It is truly an honor to serve.  Anyone who thinks our Lord is a pacifist (I came not to bring peace, but a sword!)  is an uneducated, double minded so&so who doesn't know his Bible.  Our orders are "Occupy till I come...."  And so we shall.  Christ also said "do not resist evil.  OVERCOME evil, by doing good........"  We are to overcome evil by doing what is right.  "To defend the innocent is to do the work of the Lord...."
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