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Posted: 10/28/2006 1:11:20 PM EDT
Ok have this lady at work about 20 Y/O good worker last week we got really busy and she comes in the back clenching her chest.

i'm am thinking she is having a heart attack so I start talking to her and she tells me no its not a big deal and happens at times and she starts calming down.

so I make someone pick her up and tell her to see a doctor and then come talk to me.

so she does,

supposedly the doc tells her it could be Precordial Catch Syndrome, but he wasn't really sure ?  

I think it might have been a panic attack, maybe a way that her body copes with stress?

anyone know anything about this?

I looked on the web and they say usually PCS is for kids??
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:16:23 PM EDT
shes gonna die....can i have her guns?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:20:03 PM EDT

shes gonna die....can i have her guns?

ok but shes not old enough to have pistols or assault rifles
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:21:33 PM EDT

... she comes in the back clenching her chest....

A gentleman would have done that for her.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:22:18 PM EDT
A gentleman would have offered to clutch her chest for her.

damn, 30 seconds too late.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:26:06 PM EDT
Maybe I'm stupid, but WTF is a panic attack?  Is it where some weak minded individual can't cope, and "panics"?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:28:30 PM EDT
Better make a post about it on the internet!
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:29:46 PM EDT

Maybe I'm stupid, but WTF is a panic attack?  Is it where some weak minded individual can't cope, and "panics"?

I think a panic attack is when a person is stressed out and just cant breath because of all the stress.  

I am trying to figure out if she is just freaking out because of the "stress" or if it is actually a medical problem?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:34:56 PM EDT
Maybe I'm stupid, but WTF is a panic attack?  Is it where some weak minded individual can't cope, and "panics"?

Chemically, it's an adrenalin dump - the "fight or flight" reaction that one gets after being startled or put in a situation of danger. With panic attacks, however, there often isn't a stimulus.

EDIT: It's actually only tangentially related to what most people refer to as being "stressed out", as people who are prone to panic attacks are more susceptible when stress levels are already elevated.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:39:37 PM EDT
It sounds like you're her supervisor.  

Sure, she's a good worker, and you want what's best for her as well as for your business.

But you also need to cover your hindquarters (like you did) in case she has a bad incident again in which she or others are injured, say if she had some sort of episode while operating machinery.

Keep precise records, and make sure that you advise her to see her physician according to the doctor's advice, and to make sure she knows that she not only can, but *should* take off if she is unable to continue the day's work.

I for one am skeptical that "panic attacks" are a real medical condition, but that is not for laymen like us to decide here in arfcom GD.  Sheesh, if I were to clutch my chest and go into conniptions every time I have to make a major decision at the office...
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:39:51 PM EDT
Ok, thanks for the update.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 1:42:35 PM EDT

Maybe I'm stupid, but WTF is a panic attack?  Is it where some weak minded individual can't cope, and "panics"?

No man, it is caused by an illness that hits the neurotransmitters in the brain.  It is like your "flight or fight" mechanism goes into full throttle.  A friend of mine has this happen from time to time, instead of getting mildly upset, she thought it was the end of the world and she would spend the rest of eternity in hell.  For her it lasted 15 min. or so.

There is treatment for it, but they don't really work that well from what she told me.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 6:34:44 PM EDT

Better make a post about it on the internet!

um yeah,   its better than keeping stuff like this to yourself..... DAaaaaa  

i have occasionaly chest spazms.    only for a second, then its gone.   its only when im sitting still.    i wonder if my idler needs to be adjusted  
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 6:37:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:30:21 AM EDT


I for one am skeptical that "panic attacks" are a real medical condition, but that is not for laymen like us to decide here in arfcom GD.  Sheesh, if I were to clutch my chest and go into conniptions every time I have to make a major decision at the office...

FWIW...they are real and you don't have them during stressful times...they generally manifest when the stress is passed and everything is seemingly ok. As I've heard it explained, it is the body's inability to fuction because the subconscience is creeping in to the conscience.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:35:29 AM EDT



I for one am skeptical that "panic attacks" are a real medical condition, but that is not for laymen like us to decide here in arfcom GD.  Sheesh, if I were to clutch my chest and go into conniptions every time I have to make a major decision at the office...

FWIW...they are real and you don't have them during stressful times...they generally manifest when the stress is passed and everything is seemingly ok. As I've heard it explained, it is the body's inability to fuction because the subconscience is creeping in to the conscience.


I just think of them as an opportunity for a cheap feel.    
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:39:08 AM EDT

   Is she hot?  

   Tell her you got the cure for what ails here!

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:43:51 AM EDT
I had a panic attack outta the blue. Couldn't breathe, my heart was racing, I was shaky and felt like I was going to die--the more I tried to clamp down on it and control it, the worse it got. Very much not fun, and I hadn't had one before, and haven't had one since...
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:59:52 AM EDT
Hit like a retard who got a drum for his burffday
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:50:16 AM EDT




I for one am skeptical that "panic attacks" are a real medical condition, but that is not for laymen like us to decide here in arfcom GD.  Sheesh, if I were to clutch my chest and go into conniptions every time I have to make a major decision at the office...

FWIW...they are real and you don't have them during stressful times...they generally manifest when the stress is passed and everything is seemingly ok. As I've heard it explained, it is the body's inability to fuction because the subconscience is creeping in to the conscience.


I just think of them as an opportunity for a cheap feel.    

For you, BREATHING is an opportunity to cop a cheap feel!
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:12:02 AM EDT
I bet it's something akin to your body dumping a bunch of adrenaline for no apparent reason... except it's probably not adrenaline.

Remember our emotions are really chemical states in the brain.  Perhaps she's feeling some stress, and her brain is producing the wrong kinds of chemicals, so something like her 'fight or flight' is kicking in, but it's not a situation where her conscious mind perceives it is neccessary.  
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:18:11 AM EDT


   Is she hot?  

Ya what he says!
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