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Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:21:45 AM EDT
This can't be! People were constantly telling us during the election that Obongo was not going after our guns. I remember several on here saying that as well. Useful idiots perhaps?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:22:01 AM EDT
I hate this smug motherfucker.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:22:07 AM EDT
The NRA better get off their ass and fucking do something TODAY.

Not gonna hold my breath though.

You can be sure that NRA lobbyists are on capitol hill, it's called lobbying. But what you really want is a newsletter published by the GOA that does nothing.

How about making an effort to sway the minds of people that are turning into anti's because of this shooting, by you know, stating facts about gun crime etc?  I get you can't change an anti's mind, it's everyone else that needs facts rammed down their throats to counter all the bullshit the media is feeding them.  The news outlets monopoly on this matter is having a huge effect if you want to believe it or not.

Oh and that lobbying worked great for California didn't it?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:22:12 AM EDT
local news came on after obama was done speaking and had a report from abc saying "people from both sides support gun control, even comedian david letterman"


Huh?  He's still rambling on now.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:22:25 AM EDT



Is it OK to start panic buying NOW?

Oh fuck yes.

Get your shit squared away.  

What this really means is that future purchases will be fully tracked by the federal government, and that privates sales will become criminal acts.

Mark my words.

Background checks for ammo purchases and elimination of private sales is not too far-fetched.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:22:52 AM EDT
Can this asshole ever answer a question without rambling on for 10 fucking minutes?

Nope, still jabbering on.  

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:16 AM EDT
Is it OK to start panic buying NOW?

you are way too late.

No I'm not. I'm going to buy up all the bows, arrows, and sling shots I can find - if BHO has his way that's all we'll have left in a few months. I'm finally getting ahead of the curve!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:19 AM EDT
Need to check criminal record before selling gun at gun show...

Probably ought to check it before electing a president too
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:22 AM EDT
Who are these outside people that are goign to be on this panel?

I just can't believe this is all happening in such a short time.....

It was said many times that Obama was going to push gun control in his second term because he would not have to worry about reelection. Alot of guys here chose to abstain or vote third party because they did not believe it was true and they wanted to spite the GOP for not being pure enough for them on spending.

Not true at all, there weren't a lot here that did that.  Even if the few that did had voted for Romney it wouldn't have made a difference.  Plus if Romney was elected this entire argument would be Republican's want to put guns in the hands of crazy people so they can kill babies".  The entire left would be viciously attacking Romney and all Republicans. That would have made things worse and put more pressure on the Republicans to pass an AW Ban.  As it is the Republicans can stand their ground and gridlock everything, while blaming the Dems.  I don't doubt for a second that Romney would be doing the same thing that Obama is.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:38 AM EDT

My guess its either going to be added on to the "Fiscal Cliff" Bill or he will go EO and really fuck us.

Executive Order would be VERY HARD to get rid of if not impossible in the next 4 to 8 years.

Somebody slept through his Gov. class in H.S.  

Oh Really.

Revoking an EO is damn near impossible. Even harder now. Wait for it. There are only a few ways.

#1. President elected can revoke through the EO of the past president.  Presidents elected generally keep EO's of the past presidents in place

#2. Congress House and Senate with 2/3rds majority votes to revoke the executive order.

#3. Supreme court. To get to supreme court you need go to the court of appeals which would be the US DC Court of Appeals which handle this stuff. 2 Dems appointed by Clinton and Obutthole.  The 2 Dems appointees will delay procedurally until Obutthole is out of office.


Still feel good about it all.

Blank Check for him. YEAH WE BE FOOKED!!!

Tax Law cannot be changed by EO but hell that doens't matter now does it with out a gun to defend your ass.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:39 AM EDT



Can this asshole ever answer a question without rambling on for 10 fucking minutes?

Nope, still jabbering on.  

Running out the clock.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:47 AM EDT

This is it then!


I thought that wasnt till friday.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:51 AM EDT
This press conference derailed as quickly a GD threads
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:23:58 AM EDT
This man is absolutely no leader. He is a bureaucrat that simply wants to blame the congress and the republicans for all his failures.

That is actually a good thing.  Bill Clinton would have issued another EO by now blocking imports.  Sounds like Obama is just going to dump all the work back on Congress.  That is good news for us.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:02 AM EDT

for those at work
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:04 AM EDT



Can this asshole ever answer a question without rambling on for 10 fucking minutes?

Nope, still jabbering on.  

...........and on ..........

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:06 AM EDT




You been under a rock since Friday?

SGAmmo went through 400+ cases of 7.62x39 in under 24 hours.

Twas $219.99 plus shipping.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:12 AM EDT
Who are these outside people that are goign to be on this panel?

I just can't believe this is all happening in such a short time.....

It was said many times that Obama was going to push gun control in his second term because he would not have to worry about reelection. Alot of guys here chose to abstain or vote third party because they did not believe it was true and they wanted to spite the GOP for not being pure enough for them on spending.

The GOP gave us a shit candidate who was also not pro-gun. Don't like it? Run a better candidate next time. Quit bitching that folks are tired of your "Go red team!" bullshit.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:18 AM EDT



Fuck Obama. And fuck anybody that voted for him and supports this asshole.

Or a third party
Don't start that shit, dumbass.


Personal attack from a third party voter.  Big surprise there.
I voted for Romney, nice try. I guess you don't know when Inauguration day is either.


Only saying that now...

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:31 AM EDT
The first and second questions are about the budget and the whole thing sounded like bullshit.

This is obviously a threat but I'm holding out hope that it's VERY fightable.

For God's sake he's got Biden heading this thing! How far can it go?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:40 AM EDT
Another fucking economy question!!

It was planned so that they don't ask him the tough questions.

Wow, I'm really believing this actually.  He's very ready to talk about this.  It's surreal.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:49 AM EDT
What does the fiscal cliff have to do with gun control?

Where did you disappear to sir?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:24:53 AM EDT

Is it OK to start panic buying NOW?

Oh fuck yes.

Get your shit squared away.  

What this really means is that future purchases will be fully tracked by the federal government, and that privates sales will become criminal acts.

Mark my words.

Background checks for ammo purchases and elimination of private sales is not too far-fetched.


Banning private sales would require mandatory registration of every firearm in America, and that IS far-fetched.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:07 AM EDT
Need to check criminal record before selling gun at gun show...

Probably ought to check it before electing a president too

No that should be a mental check.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:11 AM EDT
summary for those of us at work?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:38 AM EDT
I would think we are safer without Romney in office actually.  The ONLY reason I say that is that our only hope is that the R's get a spine and start saying NO.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:48 AM EDT


summary for those of us at work?


Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:50 AM EDT
And another question on the fiscal cliff.  This shit is rigged.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:53 AM EDT
How are they explaining the plan to pass it in the House?

The news will play the blame the republican game, just like the fiscal cliff bs, and the career politicians will fold.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:25:59 AM EDT

summary for those of us at work?


Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:00 AM EDT
3rd question... the SAME
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:04 AM EDT





You been under a rock since Friday?

SGAmmo went through 400+ cases of 7.62x39 in under 24 hours.

Twas $219.99 plus shipping.


I hear Cheaper Than Dirt still has some stuff  . . . . . .

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:04 AM EDT
"We need to make it as easy to get Mental Health care, as it is to get a Gun" That's what he said, what it really means.."We need to make it as hard to get a Gun as it is to get Mental Health Care".

So we can walk in and buy a gun with cash and not have to fill out any government paperwork or submit to a background check? Awesome!

Or does he mean that people will have to fill out government forms and have a background check before they can whine about their feelings?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:07 AM EDT

Can this asshole ever answer a question without rambling on for 10 fucking minutes?

Nope, still jabbering on.  

...........and on ..........


......and on.........

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:08 AM EDT
Questions 3- More fiscal shit. What is going on?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:16 AM EDT
Lol, I propose a drinking game.

drink every time a question not related to the press conference is asked.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:19 AM EDT
He just said Rep's are not American people!

'not only do the American people agree with me, so do 1/2 of the rep's'

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:38 AM EDT


summary for those of us at work?

Put simply, he's put biden and his minions in charge of whipping up another AWB by January.  Claims a majority of americans support another AWB.  Claims something needs to be done about people being able to buy "weapons of war."  I shit you not, he actually said "weapons of war."  

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:41 AM EDT
Is it good or bad that the topic has completely shifted from guns???
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:48 AM EDT
The NRA better get off their ass and fucking do something TODAY.

Not gonna hold my breath though.

You can be sure that NRA lobbyists are on capitol hill, it's called lobbying. But what you really want is a newsletter published by the GOA that does nothing.

How about making an effort to sway the minds of people that are turning into anti's because of this shooting, by you know, stating facts about gun crime etc?  I get you can't change an anti's mind, it's everyone else that needs facts rammed down their throats to counter all the bullshit the media is feeding them.  The news outlets monopoly on this matter is having a huge effect if you want to believe it or not.

Oh and that lobbying worked great for California didn't it?


Because so-called "news" media gun stories are not news, they are propaganda. Showing the image of a mass murderer 100 times a day isn't news, it is propaganda. Because staying on the same single event for a week or more isn't news -- even reporters would call it old news, or yesterday's news, or yellow journalism, if they were being honest -- a trait many have long since lost the ability to exercise. It is propaganda by every definition of that term.

It is designed to disgust, and cause revulsion, and motivate mob mentality. It serves no news purpose other than to induce fear and cause terror. In five minutes you have told the story, nothing new is added, yet it rolls on with images on endless loop. It promotes evil, encourages copycats, with zero redeeming news value. It violates every rule of ethical news behavior there is. That's what you say.

Showing the grief and tears day after day as you are doing, dear reporter, is not news, it is manipulation of we the people. It is an effort to turn people against something you as a reporter personally detest, because you are as poorly educated on the subject as many of your viewers and readers. You are so poorly informed on this subject you need counseling.

A LOT of other good stuff in that editorial. Russia and China must be proud of the manipulation going on by our government..

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:51 AM EDT

Is it OK to start panic buying NOW?

Oh fuck yes.

Get your shit squared away.  

What this really means is that future purchases will be fully tracked by the federal government, and that privates sales will become criminal acts.

Mark my words.

Background checks for ammo purchases and elimination of private sales is not too far-fetched.


Banning private sales would require mandatory registration of every firearm in America, and that IS far-fetched.

No.  All they have to do is criminalize the act of privates sales, and then use Justice and court subpoena powers to investigate.  Reasonable suspicion is plenty.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:57 AM EDT
Not one gun question.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:26:58 AM EDT
3rd question... the SAME

I was just going to post this!!!!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:27:05 AM EDT



You been under a rock since Friday?

SGAmmo went through 400+ cases of 7.62x39 in under 24 hours.

Twas $219.99 plus shipping.

I hear Cheaper Than Dirt still has some stuff  . . . . . .


Anyone done a price check again? Is it now $1500/ 1k rounds?
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:27:14 AM EDT


Just called on a reporter by name and then didn't even know where she was in the room.

He's working from a pre-determined list of who to call on for pre-arranged questions.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:27:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 8:27:23 AM EDT
They know they have to act QUICKLY if they want their knee jerk reaction to work.  This cannot wait till MIDTERM elections for them.  They are going to try to do something BIG and SOON.

this times 1000, they need to make something happen while emotions are still running high. otherwise any legislation will fizzle once people calm down.
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