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Posted: 6/11/2002 4:19:28 AM EDT

the other mattel thread gor me thinking about the stuff i had as a kid so i took a look on ebay. never expected anything like that...

any other interesting toy guns come to mind?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:24:37 AM EDT

When I had my 6th birthday (1965) I got an army kit. It came with a od green overall and the greatest toy gun I've ever seen. It was a camo tommy gun with a full auto cap-gun setup. You would load a full roll of caps into the mag, pull the "bolt" back and then let it rip. Damn, never could get enough caps back then.

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 5:07:49 AM EDT
Yeah, I had one of those Tommy-guns too around '60-'61 I think. Mine was black with brown "wood". I couldn't get enough of Sgt. Saunders with that cool Thompson firing it one-handed behind his back and hitting a half-a-dozen "Krauts" every time. My buddies and I would play "Army" in the woods behind my house. We all carried Thompsons too. Man, what a racket we must have raised with all tose full-auto roll caps blasting! Musta really p.o'd the neighbors! I read every war novel and WWII book I could get my hands on. Believe it or not, on the cover of one of them it showed a GI walking through the jungle with a Thompson at the ready. The guy who painted the picture must have had used his kid's toy as a model for the painting as it had the "door" for the caps included on the magazine! True story.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:27:19 AM EDT
Okay, somebody clue me in.  Why would I pay $750 for a toy M-16 when I could buy a good working AR-15 for the same money?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:33:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:40:31 AM EDT
tommy gun with a full auto cap-gun setup. You would load a full roll of caps into the mag, pull the "bolt" back and then let it rip. Damn, never could get enough caps back then.
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Woah. Stop presses. Full auto cap guns existed? I've been wanting one for ages (but won't pay $762 for one). Once in a while I ponder ways to build one myself. Tell me more, this is the first I've heard. (Born too late I guess)
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:48:42 AM EDT
Look at the Mag on that thing! Must be a .308
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:14:54 AM EDT

When I had my 6th birthday (1965) I got an army kit. It came with a od green overall and the greatest toy gun I've ever seen. It was a camo tommy gun with a full auto cap-gun setup. You would load a full roll of caps into the mag, pull the "bolt" back and then let it rip. Damn, never could get enough caps back then.

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That's funny!  I had a camo tommy gun also.  And you're right; I never had enough caps.  I also had a surplus GI belt with canteen, first aid kit, and entrenching tool, and a plastic 1SG helmet with netting.  Those were the days!  No one cared if a kid walked around with a fake gun.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:48:37 AM EDT
Ok.  Who here bid on it?  Fess up![:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:53:20 AM EDT
Just about every kid on my block had one of the green Tommy Guns Christmas of 1966. They also made a Grease Gun. The wire stock extended and you turned a crank to fire the caps.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:56:50 AM EDT
See...Mattel did make the M16 [:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:45:10 AM EDT
Woah. Stop presses. Full auto cap guns existed? I've been wanting one for ages (but won't pay $762 for one). Once in a while I ponder ways to build one myself. Tell me more, this is the first I've heard. (Born too late I guess)
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Yep. When I was about 5 in the 80's, I remember playing with my older cousin's full auto cap gun. I think he had a MAC-10 or UZI. All I remember is that it shot a REALLY big roll of caps that seemed to last the whole day. They also had the best full auto squirt guns too. One of my cousins still has his (TEC DC-9) and it still works. He also has 2 magazines for it too.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:56:03 PM EDT
Dammit, I had one of those when I was a kid, but in blue with an animated fake red plastic "flash" at the muzzle. I trashed it like all kids do with toys they actually play with. It ended up in the trash after a few years. At least I still got my comics.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:03:01 PM EDT
Just about every kid on my block had one of the green Tommy Guns Christmas of 1966. They also made a Grease Gun. The wire stock extended and you turned a crank to fire the caps.
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I had the grease gun. Very cool.

I also had the Johnny Eagle M14. It shot white plastic bullets. Semi auto only though.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:57:23 PM EDT
Yeah, I had one of those Tommy-guns too around '60-'61 I think. Mine was black with brown "wood". I couldn't get enough of Sgt. Saunders with that cool Thompson firing it one-handed behind his back and hitting a half-a-dozen "Krauts" every time. My buddies and I would play "Army" in the woods behind my house. We all carried Thompsons too. Man, what a racket we must have raised with all tose full-auto roll caps blasting! Musta really p.o'd the neighbors! I read every war novel and WWII book I could get my hands on. Believe it or not, on the cover of one of them it showed a GI walking through the jungle with a Thompson at the ready. The guy who painted the picture must have had used his kid's toy as a model for the painting as it had the "door" for the caps included on the magazine! True story.
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DAM...what memories this brings back...I had the exact same Thompson and also killed many "krauts" with that baby... if only I had kept it, it would be worth a lot more than that mattel M-16..for you guys who are too young to remember this was an awesome toy for a kid. I had all the great toy guns back then...M-14.... .50cal on a tri pod...some great memories for sure
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:25:52 PM EDT
Here is my SKS with my brothers Mattel M16 Marauder.


I had one also but I believe I busted it on some kids head back in the 60's.

This one still works and is in excellent condition.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:32:01 PM EDT
Well since I did something wrong in trying to get the picture, try this.

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 5:09:43 AM EDT
when i think of all the shit i used to have, its good to know i'm not the only one whos toys didnt survive childhood.  along with my busting them, my parents couldn't wait to get rid of stuff. relatives, charity...ugh.

one thing i do remember from when i was very young, was this black wheeled cannon that fired big styrofoam type balls. i seem to recall a ramroad too...but am sketchy on the details. i got it for christmas when i was probably 3,4?

i remember loading that thing up and just  firing all over the house. but particualry into the kitchen while my mom was in there tinkering. it had some pretty good range. oddly enough it just kind of disappeared one day. my parents still dont recall what happend.

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 6:46:39 AM EDT
GEEZUS...I almost forgot...I HAD A BAZOOKA...ok...it wasn't real but a Bazooka is a Bazooka and it could shoot these little plastic look alike rockets and it was good for taking out the other guys machine gun nest...all of a sudden I'm not so jealous of these kids with the PS2 and Ninetendo games...we had better weapons as kids [:D]
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 9:25:05 AM EDT
The damn thing sold for $790!!! go take a look at the bid history, it only took 19 bids to go from $50 to $790!

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 10:23:20 AM EDT
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