I have a hard drive with a bunch of movies on it from when I went to Iraq. I'm going to Afg soon. Wondering if/how I can watch those movies on an iPad. I'd really like to get an iPad and not take my laptop at all. I can't plug a USB drive into an iPad, so what are my options. Also, if everyone else is swapping movies on external hard drives, am I simply SOL trying to watch them on an iPad? And finally, how will I watch haji DVDs?
Thanks ahead.
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This probably isn't the answer you want, in fact I know it's not, but if you can't figure it out by googling it your probably better off not attempting it.
For the expenditure of the ipad you could get a lower end lap top, that will give you more availability to do things like watch haji dvds, or swap videos.
Hell depending on which ipad you were looking at, you could get a pretty good lap top leave it home and take your old one.
I won't bring breakage up because a lap top is only a little less fragile than an ipad.