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Posted: 5/22/2002 7:45:37 PM EDT
Can some one PLEASE tell me how the *$#@! to post a pic in a forum? Trying to sell a bushy and would like to show a pic. Thanks.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 2:27:50 AM EDT
Not being a team member you must find a web-hosting site to hold your pics for you, (team members can create albums to hold their pics).

Once you have a hosting site and have loaded the pics you want to show there, w/ your mouse you right click on the picture you want to show, go to properties and pick, when properties comes up you will see an address for the picture, copy that address, come back to your thread and paste that picture address into your post, once your picture address is in your post place [ img ]picture[ /img ] (without the spacing I have use to show you what it should look like) and your picture will then show up after you've finished your post and clicked SUBMIT.

Hope this has hepled,
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