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Posted: 5/31/2002 10:08:55 PM EDT
for about the last [b]45 min's[/b]...
at first I thought it was the usaual numbnuts fireing in to the air .. then 5 min's later .. aloud motor tires sqeling.. more gunshots yelling and shit..
this has happened around 4 times do far ... not one damn siren anywhere .. guess they are waiting for it to be over...  

more happened during the typing of this post sounded like an active exhange with several diffrent calibers... and no I dont know what they were ..
Have just left my balcony and in the "safty" of my home...

damn there goes more...    not not kidding

DPD ....  anytime you wanna show up
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:10:41 PM EDT
You Texans have all the fun!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:15:21 PM EDT
sucks to be you if you don't know what to do either lock&load or invite them in...
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:26:38 PM EDT
Naw... for you see I live in a well posted [b]Gun Free Zone[/b] aka school zone...

pretty soon these young folk will see the signs during one of their drive bys.. and  see the error of their ways...

went ahead with suggestion #one after about 4 min og this crap..

update quiet so far ..  only one long burst since last post..

you guessed it ....still no sirens....
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:10:41 PM EDT
Great to hear you and your loved ones are ok. Are you sure it wasn't firecrackers?
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:24:21 PM EDT
Where you at, cluster?

I'm at the north end of the Dallas North Tollway at work right now - Plano.

All is quiet on my front. [NI]
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 3:36:12 AM EDT
I assume you were cocked,locked and ready to rock durring this exchange. it woud be a shame to miss an oportunity.

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 3:38:57 AM EDT
I hear gunshots every night. Of course, I live in the inner city so it's not really any big deal anymore.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:05:07 AM EDT
My neighbors say they hear guns a lot. I've been able to trace all the times back to my shooting sessions in the back yard.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:19:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:25:31 AM EDT
My neighbors say they hear guns a lot. I've been able to trace all the times back to my shooting sessions in the back yard.
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I hope you didn't spoil the fun and tell your neighbors it was you. [;)]
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I only said, "Can you imagine that shit!"
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 4:30:45 AM EDT
From my living in the dorms at UDel (bad area only like two blocks away) and hearing gunshots all the time, I've come to the conclusion that the local cops dont respond to shootings.  There have been a couple where I thought about getting behind a wall or something, cause it sounded damn close, but that could have been the sound bouncing off the buildings so who knows where it came from.  Damn I wish I had my Ar-15 there.

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 5:02:05 AM EDT
Ever find out what happened???
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 5:16:10 AM EDT
Gunfire in the streets...Music to my ears.

Do what I do, Lock & Load and keep holed up. It's bad if you need to go out though.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 6:32:05 PM EDT
for about the last [b]45 min's[/b]...
at first I thought it was the usaual numbnuts fireing in to the air .. then 5 min's later .. aloud motor tires sqeling.. more gunshots yelling and shit..
this has happened around 4 times do far ... not one damn siren anywhere .. guess they are waiting for it to be over...  

more happened during the typing of this post sounded like an active exhange with several diffrent calibers... and no I dont know what they were ..
Have just left my balcony and in the "safty" of my home...

damn there goes more...    not not kidding

DPD ....  anytime you wanna show up
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Come on, if you live in Dallas you should be used to them. I live on white rock lake and if there are not any shots in the night, somethings wrong.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 6:46:12 PM EDT
Well, did you return fire?z
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 8:20:50 PM EDT
I hear gun fire around my home all the time. Usually it's me. Sometimes it's the guy down the road. Other times it's the other guy down the road. [:D]
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 8:25:19 PM EDT
Where you at, cluster?

I'm at the north end of the Dallas North Tollway at work right now - Plano.

All is quiet on my front. [NI]
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Oak Cliff..

and yes counting shots around here usualy help you sleep better..[:d]

Its a diffrent story when they are not simple shots in the air... when you know there is an actuall exchange that last an most an hour and no sirens come around..  yup Ill say it .. its scary..

Link Posted: 6/1/2002 8:26:59 PM EDT
oh yeah as far as what happened ... dont know .
I try not to turn down those streets unless my crack supply is low or something..[;)]
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 9:21:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 9:39:22 PM EDT
Crap, two nights ago I had two shot RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE! 00:32 hours

I had just fallen into a deep sleep. The first shot I thought it was just in a dream. I somewhat woke up. The second shot, I jumped from my bed, yelled "Holly shit!" Grabbed my pistol off my bed stand.

Now like an idiot, I went out side fast. Used the cover of the car to check things out. I only saw tail lights going around the corner.

It was really weird and surrealistic looking back. Me in a pair a sweats, with no shoes, socks, or shirt on, in my carport with a pistol trying to find something to shoot at.

I went in and put the pistol away and went back outside to try to find which house or whatever they were shooting at. Never did find anything, no casings, nothing.

I waited for the sirens for an hour. Nothing but another series of 2 shots some blocks away. I thought about calling the police, but remember when I did that acouple years ago. It took the police over an hour to send a patrol car to get more information. I finally went back to bed, thinking of all the senarios I should have, would have done differently. Like grabbing my AR instead of the pistol.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 10:07:14 PM EDT
Where in AZ are you? Next grab the ar but stay inside. Use something inside for cover. I must say I've done the same thing though.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 10:10:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 7:35:52 AM EDT

I am in the Phx metro. A semi-quiet neighborhood. Unfortunately the house really doesn't have many vantage points to look out of. The carport provides the best spt to see the most.

I thought about putting my Ninja outfit on afterwards, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, it was at the cleaners. This is the last time I buy a ninja suit that says Dry Clean only!
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