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Posted: 3/7/2001 10:14:39 AM EDT
Make no mistake, this columnist is no fool.  Just all F___ed up.  He has long been a thorn in our sides around here.

Link Posted: 3/7/2001 11:03:02 AM EDT
I invite mr. pillsbury doughboy to be the first one from the entry team in the front door when he tries to "get rid of the guns".
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 11:16:13 AM EDT
".....there are too many weapons readily available to too many children with a chip on the shoulder and clip in the assault rifle."  Here we go again, accusing the evil "assault rifle" of all the mayhem.  If I am not mistaken, the gun used in the Cal. shooting was a cheap German .22.  Of all the recent shootings, only the Tec-9 used at Columbine could be considered an 'assault rifle' by any means, and this would be a stretch.  I wish someone could show me where all these "assault rifles" are being used in crimes.  Especially the AR-15.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 11:28:30 AM EDT
Arming every schoolteacher - K through 12 - is fraught with risk, since it would only heighten the prospects of professional educators at the breaking point of stress losing it and taking aim at some unsuspecting student who forgot to bring a No. 2 pencil to school.

Nope, not a fool.  A f**king idiot, but not a fool.  [:(!]
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 11:43:13 AM EDT
Mr. Ruth's e-mail address

                  Columnist, Dan Ruth, [email protected]

That's magazine, not clip, we lemmings have better things to do than correct copy.

Molon labe, Danny boy
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 12:00:33 PM EDT
Hmmmmmm arming teachers, i'll bet my next paycheck the little bastards would become extremely polite in a big hury.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 12:01:46 PM EDT
Hmmmmmm arming teachers, i'll bet my next paycheck the little bastards would become extremely polite in a big hury.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 12:22:32 PM EDT
Remember, gun safety, empty it first, then reload, and empty it again, and again, and again, and again, and again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 12:44:43 PM EDT
Mr. Ruth,

Wanna buy me that new Browning safe I've been looking at?

I'm tired of my $100 special I've been using.

I'll even take your guns (joke) and put them in my safe.

As a matter of fact, anyone wanting to store their guns in my safe is welcome.

On another note, I'm with you guys. If the Doughboy (no skinny myself) comes in through my down trying to take my guns, he is toast./

My super soaker full and I am ready to spary him with it.

If that fails, I'll get Black Cart with my Red Ryder BB Gun as I try not to shoot my eye out.

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