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Posted: 8/13/2007 10:09:14 AM EDT

I know about their antigun policies, and get a kick out of the assault rocks, etc.  They still are about the only auction site that has a reasonable amount of music gear, so I keep looking.  (Don't point me to harmony-central, too many scams.)

But... what kind of idiots "enhance" their motors site, find out the enhancements are uniformly hated on the forums and impossible to use, then switch back.  And then...

Try the same moronic treatment to the main site?  I sent a comment to them about the neutering of the main site's search function & display, and made reference to the fiasco on the motors site.  Their response was a knee-jerk reply assuming I was talking about Motors:  "We are sorry, but we cannot change back the motors site at this time, blah blah blah."  Reading is fundamental, and apparently their customer service and site design departments missed that fundamental.

Anyone else feel they need to fire that web designer that's doing meaningless "enhancements" in order to justify their job.

Rant off.  Thank you.  I just needed to vent my spleen.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 10:13:50 AM EDT
What's ebay?

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 11:01:30 AM EDT
Unfortunately, I haven't seen too many Ibanez guitar bodies, Mesa amplifiers, or Ducatis on gunbroker.  Wish someone would open up a good auction site that sells guns, guitars, motorcycles, home theater stuff, and fast cars.  Bet it would do great!
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 3:30:51 PM EDT
I at one time had an interest in signing up for gunbroker.com, after all its "simple and free."  But since I have a "free" e-mail service, such as "yahoo, hotmail or google mail" I would have to provide a credit card... Ummm didnt they notice that my e-mail is aol?  Now I cant even delete my contact information unless I provide a credit card...  gunbroker can go to hell.
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