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Posted: 2/23/2001 9:06:06 PM EDT

me, no. i don't have the time.
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 9:12:14 PM EDT
I'll read any that catch my eye, or have a topic relating to something I'm looking into.
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 9:14:55 PM EDT
I find myself spending way to much time here but hell why not better than pr0n.........
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 9:36:46 PM EDT
If I read 10% of the new topics I am really spending alot of time on this board.

Actually, I do this at work.  Time at home is too valuable to waste cruising discussion boards.

There are a couple of posters I try to catch all the time - ars4ever on the building forum, or the stockbreakers just to get a laugh out of their hot picks ("EXDS is at 24 - expect 60 in 12 months, or PMCS is in the high 70's, expect 120 in three months (now!)).  Just check those prices now!

That is why I don't listen to stockbrokers.  
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 10:16:52 PM EDT
while not better than porn [;)], there is a lot of useful info here.
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 10:20:49 PM EDT

Only the stupid stuff! :)

Actually, I'll only browse the threads for interesting topics that aren't some kind of rehash that I haven't seen 20 times over.
Link Posted: 2/23/2001 11:56:35 PM EDT
If I can't sleep and it's 3 in the morning I do.  Other wise it's porn, well not really it's been at least a week since I've been to a porn site. But I won't hold that against you guys.[:)]
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 2:13:33 AM EDT
I don't, but if my wife found out how much I time I do spend reading the ones I get around to she'd kill me.
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 3:33:17 AM EDT
I try to avoid the kiddie posts. I think we need a DAY CARE forum where the movie, video game crowd can hang.
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 12:45:25 PM EDT
No, I only read the ones that interest me..

Link Posted: 2/24/2001 1:42:06 PM EDT
Only the ones worth looking at.
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 2:01:03 PM EDT
I'm sorry... Did you post something???
Link Posted: 2/24/2001 2:20:44 PM EDT
I don't read everything, I scan the new postings, the ones with the purple folder, and if the subject seems interesting I log into it, and give a quick look, but if it is too boring I move onto another subject, but I am spending more time on this board that I originally intended, but then again, the subjects are interesting and I have learned a couple of things that will eventually (when I build my first AR will save me money and time)

Karlozg  [8D]
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 9:50:59 AM EDT
only the ones that sound interesting.
Link Posted: 2/25/2001 5:47:52 PM EDT
Only when Iam not a [sleep]
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 2:06:21 PM EDT
No way I love guns, but I have a life outside of my guns, but if you asked Shelly, she would say I do nothing but gun related hobbies.  This forum is awesome for feedback, but there is a lot of junk here to.  Too many people that think they know it all, but the reality is they don't know as much as what they'd like us to believe.  I find it amusing when they get a reply from someone who does know what they are talking about and that person slams their comments.  There are some wise people on here and I'm not worthy to call them my peers.  I am just a humble man trying to gain knowledge...LSDH that it hurts....later
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 3:02:58 PM EDT
The question is not do you read these forums, but who reads them?!?!? DaNanna [sex]

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