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Posted: 8/16/2007 9:50:33 AM EDT

Lawmakers Turn Over Guns Before Tour
August 16th, 2007 @ 6:53am
LAYTON, Utah (AP) -- Security at an oil refinery in Davis County isn't taking any chances -- even with the people who write state law.

Four members of the Utah Legislator who were about to tour the Chevron facility had to make a brief stop beforehand and turn over their handguns. The refinery doesn't allow weapons on the site.

The lawmakers were representatives Curt Oda and Carl Wimmer and senators Mark Madsen and Howard Stephenson.

The four men dug out their handguns and turned them over to a National Rifle Association lobbyist, who stored them in his car until they finished the tour of the refinery.

One fellow lawmaker described it as an "only in Utah" experience.

------ Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune


I love Utah.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 9:53:56 AM EDT
Oh good.  It is a gun free zone.
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