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Posted: 6/8/2002 11:52:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 12:20:31 PM EDT
Good to see you migrating to .NET. It kicks ass and you will enjoy developing for the plaform.

Object oriented, secure scalablility dude. Lemme know if you need any help.

I am not super tight with C# yet but I can rock with VB.NET.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 12:56:16 PM EDT
Great Horny Toads!!!!  [shock]
I can't imagine the work (&$$) that must go into that stuff. Actually having read your posts I only have minimal understanding of WTH you're talking about! Sounds like a lot of work though, thanks GB!
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 1:02:19 PM EDT
This rebuild is going to kick some ass!
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 1:19:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 2:07:13 PM EDT
Good to see you migrating to .NET. It kicks ass and you will enjoy developing for the plaform.

Object oriented, secure scalablility dude. Lemme know if you need any help.
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I find the term "secure" associated with anything Microsoft somewhat of a funny paradox.  After all, this is the company that recently told the federal government that their software and code was so poorly written and insecure, that disclosing the source could be disasterous.

On "cutting edge web technologies," please remember that staying ahead of the curve means possibly openning yourself up to security flaws that could be detrimental to the site.  Also, adopting MS Explorer specific features would be a bad idea as well.  IE has lately been Microsoft's biggest security problem, with patches released often recently.

And I say this as someone who's busted enough code for a living to know.  Writing it securely is much harder than it is to break it.

On the other hand, some of these new features are great.  Having the seperate forums more connected is a good idea to me, and the custom forums option will be nice as well.  However, I'm not big on interface changes.  I look at it long enough to get used to it, and then it changes.  Could it be possible to keep or customize the interface?

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 3:52:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 5:00:20 PM EDT
so i guess this means we have finally gotten the server off the commadore 64?
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Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha..TooooSlllloooooo ffooooorrryyyooouuuuu....  Well I guess I'm going to have to break down and send in some money.....This sounds expensive!!
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:01:04 PM EDT
What's the ETA of having .net running?

I've heard nothing but good things about .net, and have been waiting to load the .net upgrade from Microsoft until I actually needed it.

Looking forward to it.

Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:28:11 PM EDT
It all sounds good to me [:D]
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 6:45:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 8:11:26 PM EDT

Quoted: How's the site been running today?
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Only 6 pages outta 20 are visible. [pissed]

I know, I know, be patient - I realize that you have a lotta irons in the fire right now - not being a smartass - just keeping you informed. [BD]



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