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Posted: 12/7/2001 5:46:42 AM EDT
Now we find that Kandahar has been abandoned, the Taliban withdrew WITH their weapons and Mullah Muhammad Omar is now "missing"


Why do we allow the NA or the other various "anti-taliban" forces negotiate??  How the hell were they allowed to escape?  Were we not supposed to have had the city surrounded?

I'm telling you, don't think too highly of our Afghani "allies."
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 5:59:36 AM EDT
Theres an old saying that goes, "If you want something done right, so it yourself."

While using Afgan troops to fight the Taliban and Al-Queta might seem convienient and "safer," I think it's going to come back to bite us in the ass (as I always thought).
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 7:00:52 AM EDT
I, for one, have no idea why we are anxious to 'round up' anybody! I would much prefer that the ring-leaders of the Taliban, as well as that POS 'John Walker', remain in the hands of those whose idea of leniency is to actually bury the corpse once the execution is completed.

When they're feeling particularly 'un-lenient' the corpses are left unburied.

If the US captures them, then we are left to deal with them in the good old-fashioned American way - 'Dream Team' here we come! And say about eight to twelve months in a courtroom for each case!

Leave them to Kalashnikov or Allah, I care not which!

Eric The(SoLongAsThey'reDead!OverThere!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 7:14:35 AM EDT
A number of  things could have  happened.  I would not make [b]ass[/b]umptions.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 7:25:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 8:54:07 AM EDT
Eric, the problem is is that the Pashtun tribesmen have already stated that they wish to leave Omar alone.  Neither the NA nor the Karzai government were the ones making the Kandahar deal.  It was a regional Pashtun warlord who was talking with the Taliban about surrender up until yesterday.

Surrendering Afghani Taliban (no matter how notorious) have been given a pass so far by their country men. (Foreign "Arab" Taliban have fared much worse).

Plain and simple, Omar was allowed to leave. This saves Karzai from having the unpleasant task of having to turn Omar over to the US and face the "puppet government" charge from his own people.

They may help with "Arab" bin Laden, but not with an Afghani Mullah.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 9:04:31 AM EDT
Mullah Muhammad Omar's days are numbered, wherever he may go. Even his fellow-Pushtan tribesmen will remember him as the idiot who got all this crap started with his simple faliure to turn over a mass-murderer!

And the single most 'nightmare scenario' I can imagine is if the US did get its hands on a live Osama Bin Laden!

Next stop the Federal Courthouse in Manhattan! Unless Pres. George W. Bush can manage to get Congress to give him political cover for a military tribunal (which is what [u]should[/u] be done), Bin Laden is destined to be represented by some new 'dream team' and the sins of America's foreign policy will be exhibit 'A' for the defense!

Maybe Harry Browne can be a star defense witness for Bin Laden - he seems to know all of the sins of our country viz-a-viz foreign policy.

Eric The(EndItWithABulletAndA'Pork-Bloodbath')Hun[>]:)]  
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 9:20:46 AM EDT
And the single most 'nightmare scenario' I can imagine is if the US did get its hands on a live Osama Bin Laden!
Eric The(EndItWithABulletAndA'Pork-Bloodbath')Hun[>]:)]  
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The only way that would happen is if he is found 'not guilty' by the local U.S. Marine Court of Instant Justice.

At least we'd know he's dead.
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 9:35:55 AM EDT
the locals are handling it this way because long after the US has left, their great-grandchildren are going to have to live there with omar's friend's great-grandchildren.

as for osama, i think if he tried to surrender to me, i'd shoot him and deal with the consequences later. i'd have no trouble sleeping, either. and it might be a good idea to not announce his death, why make a martyr of him?
Link Posted: 12/7/2001 9:46:28 AM EDT
the locals are handling it this way because long after the US has left, their great-grandchildren are going to have to live there with omar's friend's great-grandchildren.

as for osama, i think if he tried to surrender to me, i'd shoot him and deal with the consequences later. i'd have no trouble sleeping, either. and it might be a good idea to not announce his death, why make a martyr of him?
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he was trying to escape....honest
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