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Posted: 4/18/2017 12:32:53 AM EDT
"generals don’t much like to talk about “winning” against terrorism.
They understand and tell the public and congress that the United States is in a 10-, 30-, 100- year battle against a multi-generational ideological war of ideas that goes far beyond the military battlefield.”

Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:43:52 AM EDT
Unless we're prepared to declare War on Islam, we're just playing whack-a-mole.

However, once they are made irrelevant by new energy technologies or by just running out of oil, they'll be much less troublesome. They'll be as relevant on the world stage as the rest of the third world hellholes, not very.

We just have to survive long enough to get there, and the threat isn't "terrorism", it's immigration. Their best weapons against the West are their wombs and our own traitorous leftists who want to bring them in.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:53:38 AM EDT
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Unless we're prepared to declare War on Islam, we're just playing whack-a-mole.

However, once they are made irrelevant by new energy technologies or by just running out of oil, they'll be much less troublesome. They'll be as relevant on the world stage as the rest of the third world hellholes, not very.

We just have to survive long enough to get there, and the threat isn't "terrorism", it's immigration. Their best weapons against the West are their wombs and our own traitorous leftists who want to bring them in.
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Define war on Islam, and define winning.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:56:39 AM EDT
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Define war on Islam, and define winning.
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Unless we're prepared to declare War on Islam, we're just playing whack-a-mole.

However, once they are made irrelevant by new energy technologies or by just running out of oil, they'll be much less troublesome. They'll be as relevant on the world stage as the rest of the third world hellholes, not very.

We just have to survive long enough to get there, and the threat isn't "terrorism", it's immigration. Their best weapons against the West are their wombs and our own traitorous leftists who want to bring them in.
Define war on Islam, and define winning.
Nothing America's willing to do, so it doesn't really matter.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:57:14 AM EDT
The only way to win is by killing all of them wholesale until they beg you to stop. Only when they see themselves destined to be removed completely from the gene pool will they change their ways and seek to peacefully live with the rest of the world. 
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:57:45 AM EDT
We need to defeat them in cyberspace, and the only way to do that is to ban encryption or require a backdoor for it.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 1:01:44 AM EDT
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The only way to win is by killing all of them wholesale until they beg you to stop. Only when they see themselves destened to be removed completely from the gene pool will they change their ways and seek to peacefully live with the rest of the world. 
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Disagree. You win by killing all of them, and not stopping until they're all hanging out with the velociraptors in the great beyond. The thing about people is, they'll "change" just enough to not get themselves deaded, and they'll quietly rebuild until enough of them are around to start becoming a problem again. Cleanse them from the earth.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 10:40:12 AM EDT
But the Bible says god will protect Muslims right? Would declaring war on them not be pointless?
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 10:41:08 AM EDT
It's a damn good start.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 11:01:47 AM EDT
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But the Bible says god will protect Muslims right? Would declaring war on them not be pointless?
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News to me.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 11:03:17 AM EDT
End Muslim entry to the West. No immigration, no tourism, no nothing.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 1:46:48 PM EDT
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News to me.
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But the Bible says god will protect Muslims right? Would declaring war on them not be pointless?

News to me.

I may be wrong but the way I read it.  Abraham had a son named Ishmael.  God told Abraham that he was too violent to take over the temple because he would attack his neighbors.

Genesis 16:12 -He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."  

So god promised Abraham a new son named Isaac.  But in those days the oldest son took over the temple.  But God promised to take care of Ishmael and his descendants if Abraham would send Ishmael  him away and give birth right to Isaac.

Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.
And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.

Ishmael left with his follower and formed Islam
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 2:38:45 PM EDT
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Disagree. You win by killing all of them, and not stopping until they're all hanging out with the velociraptors in the great beyond. The thing about people is, they'll "change" just enough to not get themselves deaded, and they'll quietly rebuild until enough of them are around to start becoming a problem again. Cleanse them from the earth.
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The only way to win is by killing all of them wholesale until they beg you to stop. Only when they see themselves destined to be removed completely from the gene pool will they change their ways and seek to peacefully live with the rest of the world. 
Disagree. You win by killing all of them, and not stopping until they're all hanging out with the velociraptors in the great beyond. The thing about people is, they'll "change" just enough to not get themselves deaded, and they'll quietly rebuild until enough of them are around to start becoming a problem again. Cleanse them from the earth.
Japan seems to be a good member of the world. In many ways they were a lot like isis.
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