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Posted: 8/6/2001 6:20:40 AM EDT

[B]Acton and Lee
by Tim Swanson

"He who wins the war writes the history books."

Historians grapple for letters between infamous people. Whether it is Stalin and Hitler or Roosevelt and McCollum, they leave no stone unturned, no road untraveled and no path untroded, in their pursuit for knowledge. One particular exchange between two well-known men however is quite easy to find but is rarely discussed in academia. What follows is the correspondence between Lord Acton and Robert E. Lee.
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 7:21:41 AM EDT
Excellent article. Not a lot of folks ever talk about the Hartford Convention, which occurred during the darkest period of the War of 1812.

The New Englanders were incensed by their loss of business with Great Britain caused by the War and threatened secession in order to  restore their lucrative trade.

Less than 50 years later, the South was likewise complaining about the fact that almost [b]90%[/b] of the Federal Tarriffs were being collected from them.

Good thing about is that at least the South was not threatening secession at a time when the US was enaged in a shooting war with a foreign nation!

Eric The(SomethingToPonder)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 7:34:20 AM EDT
Do you have a link for the HARTFORD CONVENTION?
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 7:53:11 AM EDT
Here's one, Hangfire -
I'll keep looking for some others.[>]:)]
Link Posted: 8/6/2001 7:55:59 AM EDT
Here's another one, Hangfire, with the entire Report of the Hartford Convention -

Eric The(AlwaysAimin'ToPlease)Hun[>]:)]
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