I would rather purchase a decommitioned M1A1 Main battle tank for about...Oh 6 million
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Boy, you ain't kiddin....Russian vehicles are the most user-UNfriendly things you can imagine; everything on the inside seems to be designed to cause injury to the crew while bouncing around on the move.........
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Actually, the Russians have been quite busy these past few years improving and upgrading their tanks with some rather impressive and interesting gadgets.
And check out the 'Arena' active-protection system.
Now, I can't comment as to these systems' combat effectiveness. But what I can tell you is that we have yet to place our M1A1/2's and crews against any real (ie: non-export variant) Russian MBT's with properly trained crews.
It'd be interesting to see I think. Of course, if asked, I'd still rather be in the Abrams[;)]