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Posted: 8/19/2012 5:11:23 AM EDT
I had to go see the local carpeting company yesterday for some repairs in one of my rentals.  I've done business with him before and I enjoy chatting with him.  It was slow and we were discussing issues and I tossed out the "you didn't build that" line to see his response.

As he related to me:

At age 15, he lied about his age and started working on a road crew building a highway.  A few months later, a position opened up for a jackhammer operator and he jumped at the opportunity for the promotion and raise to $1.70 an hour.

When he was 17, he forged his mother's signature and signed himself into the Marine Corps and went to Vietnam.  He eventually was promoted to Sergeant and released from service.

He worked at the local carpeting store as a salesman.  His hard work paid off and he was soon the General Manager of the store.  His desire was to own his own store, so he arranged for a loan of $40,000 from a local businessman.  He would pay back the $40K and give the investor a 49% share of the store.  There was doubt that he could actually make that arrangement work with only $40K, but he convinced the investor that he could.

He made the store work, working long hours and weekends and paid back the 40K.  After he paid off the initial investment, he bought out the investor's share of 49% for $140,000.  It took him 70 months to do so, but he paid it off.

He now has several carpet stores and a couple of other businesses.  Despite he success, he still works nights and weekends to ensure that he remains successful.

He would like to thank President Obama for all that he has done to make him successful. *

* This part is not true.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:15:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:35:43 AM EDT
Zero has no understanding of what would possess a man to do the things that your guy did

He is a coconut communist.  He is a product of the third world, Hawaii's underachiever culture and chicago's corruptocracy
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:38:55 AM EDT
Niether Barry nor his wife have ever held down a legitimate job in private industry let alone, built a legitimate business by their own hand.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:41:26 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:48:36 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

Yes, but his taxes helped pay for those roads.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:48:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:52:08 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

The King's Road concept is not lost on Der Zero von Chicago.
Peasants must bow as the king passes.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:52:23 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

Yes, but his taxes helped pay for those roads.

I know, I know!

It's like people bitching about Romney only paying 14%...... His 14% is 3 MILLION dollars!

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:53:57 AM EDT

Yes, but his taxes helped pay for those roads.

But THIS aspect of BHO's statement that day shows much more of his philosophy than I first thought.  It's not simply the fact that tax dollars paid for the infrastructure, it's that THOSE dollars never really belonged to you in the first place.

You are permitted by the government to keep only that money THEY say you are ALLOWED to keep.

What you get paid is not really yours.

THIS is what they believe.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."


Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:57:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:58:00 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:59:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 5:59:43 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:01:54 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

You gotta 'splain that, cause I have listened to the comment in context many times, it just gets worse.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:04:31 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:04:50 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

No, but some folks worked long hard hours so they could give half of it all back to the road crews for blacktop, shovels, road graders, etc.

Which was Obama's point. That's the problem with this. He was taken completely out of context. Mind you, I'm NOT voting for the guy, But I'm tired of BOTH parties lying, slanting the story, making facts up or continuing lies after they have been disproven. We desperately need intelligent dialogue so that this country can finally get some decent leadership. The way we're doing it now is NOT working!
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:07:43 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.


Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:08:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:09:14 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

No, Truth. both sides are taking discussion of issues, destroying content and creating sound bytes. They take a single frame of a video and create a still photo which implies th complete opposite of what was truly happening. It needs to stop!
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:10:28 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

Sometimes he slips and the truth comes out.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:12:42 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

No, but some folks worked long hard hours so they could give half of it all back to the road crews for blacktop, shovels, road graders, etc.

Which was Obama's point. That's the problem with this. He was taken completely out of context. Mind you, I'm NOT voting for the guy, But I'm tired of BOTH parties lying, slanting the story, making facts up or continuing lies after they have been disproven. We desperately need intelligent dialogue so that this country can finally get some decent leadership. The way we're doing it now is NOT working!

He was not taken out of context.  That's a load.

If you listen to what he was saying up to his imfamous line, he spells out a litany of phrases that show that he holds in contempt the idea that someone's success was derived from their own efforts.

He did everything he could to try and dispel that idea.

"Lots of people work hard."  "There are lots of smart people out there."

He was not taken out of context.

He just made a simple mistake in that he accidently told the truth about how he feels.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:13:05 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.

Nonsense. The syntax was terrible. (Worse than W's, but not as bad as Biden's) but the message was clear to someone listening without the intent to justify a prior position on it.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:13:21 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

Please explain how he was taken out of context. He flat out said that business owners didn't pay for the roads and education that "made them successful". He completely ignored property tax, sales tax, gasoline taxes, tariffs, etc.. It was a bullshit communist lie.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:14:39 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.

Nonsense. The syntax was terrible. (Worse than W's, but not as bad as Biden's) but the message was clear to someone listening without the intent to justify a prior position on it.

His statements throughout the speech were contemptuous of those people who had created their own success.

It's a simple fact.  

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:19:04 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

The DU is that way ––––––––––––––––––––->
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:19:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:23:02 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

Every time I buy gas I pay Federal Highway use tax. (FHUT) Every quart of oil, FHUT every bottle of power steering fluid FHUT. Each Tire I buy, FHUT. When I register my vehicle, FHUT. Yeah I along with every one else built the roads and all of our infrastructure.. The Government is just the middle man.. They ( the .gov) use to know that.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:27:48 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

Seems to be a VERY popular argument with the left  

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:28:36 AM EDT





Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.

Nonsense. The syntax was terrible. (Worse than W's, but not as bad as Biden's) but the message was clear to someone listening without the intent to justify a prior position on it.


Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:30:44 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

No, but some folks worked long hard hours so they could give half of it all back to the road crews for blacktop, shovels, road graders, etc.

That was the logic, but that money that was ear-marked for blacktop and shovels instead was put back into our bank accounts since it was irresponsibly given to people who were unable to pay it back.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:30:58 AM EDT
Some peoples kids they just happen to be 0 zombie not matter what the jugeared and chief says its taken outta of contex (my ass).....
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:32:35 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.

Nonsense. The syntax was terrible. (Worse than W's, but not as bad as Biden's) but the message was clear to someone listening without the intent to justify a prior position on it.

Does that include a prior position with an opposing view?
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:34:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:37:44 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

If you listen to the entire quote, it's worse that that one single line.

Nice try though.

This.  The context makes the statement more damning.  Nice try, indeed.

Nonsense. The syntax was terrible. (Worse than W's, but not as bad as Biden's) but the message was clear to someone listening without the intent to justify a prior position on it.


zero is a statist asshole of the first order and the entire quote in context is him coming right out and saying it

fuck him and those such

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:38:16 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

Simple answer to a dumb arguement/point.

So how exactly did those roads get built?? money from the Dept. of Treasury's Magical Money Tree? or hard working Tax PAYERS putting money into the government, local/state/federal. The lazy Obama Class of motherfuckers sitting around on their fat lazy asses, collecting indefinite unemployment, or welfare when there are jobs and said people are able bodied (not able mind obviously) sure as hell don't deserve to drive on the roads as they don't pay anything into the "system" they just suck it out, if we're using Barry's logic!

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:43:02 AM EDT


Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

But that's a dumb question because everyone has access to those same roads, yet everyone didn't create businesses. The roads and bridges give everyone equal opportunity, but not equal outcomes.


Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:43:18 AM EDT


Niether Barry nor his wife have ever held down a legitimate job in private industry let alone, built a legitimate business by their own hand.

They have no concept of what a shovel ready job means.  Michelle's first time holding a shovel was the WH photo op where she's working in the garden.  Barry would much rather smoke cigarettes and pot than get his hands dirty

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 6:48:14 AM EDT
OK, context..

"Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something –– there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business –– you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:05:56 AM EDT
OK, context..

"Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something –– there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business –– you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

Where do property taxes and gasoline taxes go? The teachers, roads and bridges? Last time I checked business owners pay a heightened amount of each indexed for their use of those resources (factory size, commercial zoning fees, trucks, tolls, etc..).

1% of the Internet of today has it's roots in that government communication project. It wasn't built so companies could make money off of it. It was adapted and grown in the private industry to make the monster that it is today.

And lastly, who the fuck am I bowing to for "allowing me to thrive"? It certainly isn't Obama. He can go fornicate with a rusty nail.

Anyone who ignores the institutional socialism completely embedded in these messages is failing at simple comprehension.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:22:54 AM EDT
Be pissed at Obama all you want, but the quote was taken out of context. Only BaaBaa Sheep take the media at it's word, whether it is for your side or not.

Blow that Orwellian Doublespeak right out your ass...

Take all of what obuttwhiff said in its TRUE context and it tells us everything we need to know about the communist-in-chief.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:23:13 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

No, but some folks worked long hard hours so they could give half of it all back to the road crews for blacktop, shovels, road graders, etc.

Which was Obama's point. That's the problem with this. He was taken completely out of context. Mind you, I'm NOT voting for the guy, But I'm tired of BOTH parties lying, slanting the story, making facts up or continuing lies after they have been disproven. We desperately need intelligent dialogue so that this country can finally get some decent leadership. The way we're doing it now is NOT working!

Sorry, but I dont believe you.

Unless you are a special kind of stupid, (democrat?) you KNOW the quote was not in the least little bit taken out of context. It is much worse when in full context.

You may WISH it was out of context, but it was not.

And to try and draw parallels between the left and right as far as media bias indicates mental defectiveness. Period.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:29:40 AM EDT
obuttfuqq has been parading around, with his minions parrotting the same "you misunderstood" mantra, one after another.

Barry sounds just like a convict in front of a parole board, "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!"

The fact is that he DID do it and he DID MEAN EVARY FUQQING WORD. Just like he said to Joe the Plumber but no one was listening then.

He said it, and he MEANT it, he's just sorry that he got CAUGHT!

...and anyone that says "you misunderstood" or "he was taken out of context" is either the STUPIDEST idiot that ever walked the face of the earth, or they are the biggest LIAR that ever walked the face of the earth, period.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:30:15 AM EDT
Do people drive on roads to get to his store?**

** Me being a ass.

ETA: I was given this argument. It's NOT how I feel.

Simple answer to a dumb arguement/point.

So how exactly did those roads get built?? money from the Dept. of Treasury's Magical Money Tree? or hard working Tax PAYERS putting money into the government, local/state/federal. The lazy Obama Class of motherfuckers sitting around on their fat lazy asses, collecting indefinite unemployment, or welfare when there are jobs and said people are able bodied (not able mind obviously) sure as hell don't deserve to drive on the roads as they don't pay anything into the "system" they just suck it out, if we're using Barry's logic!


WGP, sir I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:34:59 AM EDT
OK, context..

"Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something –– there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business –– you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  The things built by the gov are eggs.  You gotta have the chickens (taxpayers) to lay those eggs.  Without people working and paying taxes, the gov couldn't build anything.  So guess what, "you didn't build that" should be directed at the gov, who has never built anything.  The people have built it all.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:35:50 AM EDT
I was fucking embarrassed to see my fellow 'nokers eat that speech up.  Frankly, I can not remember when the last time was were I've felt that insulted by a politician.

"You didn't build that" will hopefully be what ultimately dooms Obama.

And, I'll agree with whomever said that in context, the quote is even worse because it does imply that what you've created belongs to the government/the collective, not you.
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:38:17 AM EDT



OK, context..

"Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something –– there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business –– you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  The things built by the gov are eggs.  You gotta have the chickens (taxpayers) to lay those eggs.  Without people working and paying taxes, the gov couldn't build anything.  So guess what, "you didn't build that" should be directed at the gov, who has never built anything.  The people have built it all.
For the longest time, roads were built by private money, or were just created out of spontaneous order.  The history of this country indicated that businesses were created and prospered long before the .gov got its hands dirty in creating and maintaining infrastructure.

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:47:23 AM EDT
obuttfuqq has been parading around, with his minions parrotting the same "you misunderstood" mantra, one after another.

Barry sounds just like a convict in front of a parole board, "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!"

The fact is that he DID do it and he DID MEAN EVARY FUQQING WORD. Just like he said to Joe the Plumber but no one was listening then.

He said it, and he MEANT it, he's just sorry that he got CAUGHT!

...and anyone that says "you misunderstood" or "he was taken out of context" is either the STUPIDEST idiot that ever walked the face of the earth, or they are the biggest LIAR that ever walked the face of the earth, period.


The Free Shit Army laughs at your reponse and the carpet owner's sacrifice.  Keep up the hard work, we need more and more Free Shit!

Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:54:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 7:58:55 AM EDT
I started Quantico Tactical with $12,500.  This year, we will have ~$25,000,000 in sales.

I and my team did it.  The first three years, I worked every day of the year except Thanksgiving and Christmas.  80+ hour work weeks are still the norm.  Obama and his socialists were (and continue to be) obstructionists.  In fact, if it weren't for taxes, my company would be debt free.  Thank about that, because I keep the majority of profit in my company, re-investing it in inventory, I borrow $$$ to pay income tax.

The reason most companies relocate their manufacturing overseas isn't the lower labor and production rates, it is to escape all the US Govt BS (OSHA Inspections, power-happy bureaucrats, unemployment insurance and other government harassment) and the constant treat of ruinous lawsuits.  THOSE are the REAL reasons American business move their production overseas.

Mental note, shop here
Link Posted: 8/19/2012 8:02:43 AM EDT


I started Quantico Tactical with $12,500.  This year, we will have ~$25,000,000 in sales.

I and my team did it.  The first three years, I worked every day of the year except Thanksgiving and Christmas.  80+ hour work weeks are still the norm.  Obama and his socialists were (and continue to be) obstructionists.  In fact, if it weren't for taxes, my company would be debt free.  Thank about that, because I keep the majority of profit in my company, re-investing it in inventory, I borrow $$$ to pay income tax.

The reason most companies relocate their manufacturing overseas isn't the lower labor and production rates, it is to escape all the US Govt BS (OSHA Inspections, power-happy bureaucrats, unemployment insurance and other government harassment) and the constant treat of ruinous lawsuits.  THOSE are the REAL reasons American business move their production overseas.


I started my business a year and a half ago.  Yesterday and today are the first days off that I've had since  June 29th (I even worked on the 4th of July).  I don't think many folks comprehend exactly what it takes to create and run a business that has any sort of longevity.  I laugh my ass off at those who complain about overtime, or having to work late.

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