Quoted: Maybe if you and your fellow Muslims, especially the Clerics, would denounce these attacks we would be more willing to believe you are a religion of peace.
Denouncements are not enough.
They need to ACT against those who supposedly "hijacked" their religion.
The "moderate" Muslims, the silent-majority of Muslims need to stand up, point fingers and expose the terrorists among them and run them out like the grave-robbing ghouls they are.
They need to name names, grab the rats, pull them out of the mosques by their tick-infested beards and run them out of their towns on a rail. We'll do the rest.
They need to stop prancing and dancing in the streets by the thousands waving the hacked-up hands, feet and entrails of Isrealies they just killed.
They need to stand up in their mosques and beat the SHIT out of any cleric who demands they strap bombs to their children "for the glory of allah".
They need to stop believing women are chattle and infidels are subhuman.
They need to stop hacking their babies heads with a knife until they are bathed in blood year-after-year calling it a "religious rite".
In short - they need a Muslim Renessiance and cultural revolution throughout the entire Muslim world.
They need to start acting like humans, not savages.
But.......... I just don't see that happening at all.
Oh yeah, one more thing - they need to bathe once in a while too.