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Posted: 6/6/2002 9:57:48 PM EDT
In part one the unions get slammed for some outrageous shit. Some of it taken out of text and some of it deserved.
 I am in a union and not ashamed at all. I work for the IAMAAW.
 My employer of record is an airline. But I don't work for them.... I work for ME!... My company called ME has been hired by a union. The union which hired my company, called ME, has a contract with the airline. The union maintains the airlines aircraft. The airline can hire anyone to maintain the aircraft but has hired this union. If they don't like the work that the union does they can go to another vender to get their aircraft fixed.
So If the airline can get any one to maintain their aircraft when their present contract expires how is this extortion?
If the airline doesn't like the job that is being done they can get it done some other place.
 The problem is that they do like the work I do but cry about the price... sorry good work costs money.
 The bottom line is it is all free market,,,, not socialistic... if they didn't like the contract they would have never signed it. They did sign it, so they must honor it and it will be upheld in any court in the land...pat
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:03:32 PM EDT
I love'em cause they make hamburgers taste so good!     [:D]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:04:10 PM EDT
The word CONTRACT implies more than one party.
All parties that sign the contract are bound by rules and regulations.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:11:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 10:17:28 PM EDT
The only problem I had with unions when I was CWA was that SOOOO many people that I helped get through the day didn't qualify to park my car yet I bowed and scraped to THEIR preferences to shift and training which they wasted.  Made me sick.  What I've found is that Unions drive to the LOWEST common denominator.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 11:11:23 PM EDT
I'll be honest.

I don't really love unions. They aren't perfect. There is certainly some aspects of them to dislike.

It would be nice to live in a world where some of us aren't trying to manipulate, oppress, or jeopardize the safety of fellow humans for a simple buck and there was no need for competing interests to organize against each other as is currently done.

Being as we do not live in such a world and due to some elements of human nature most likely never will, the ability of labor to organize will remain essential. Unions will continue to be, in my humble opinion, a necessary evil.
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