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Posted: 6/2/2002 9:11:30 PM EDT
What is it about a womans personality that makes her want to take her clothes off in front of the whole world? Why is it so easy to find a woman that wants to strip, flash, dance, or have sex in front of a camera? Its everywhere!And even a lot of them are real good lookin. They're not all doing it for money. Do women really crave attention that badly that they have to disrobe to get it? Theres naked women everywhere. I'm not necessarily complaining just wondering. [:D]
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:14:48 PM EDT
They are trying to attract men!
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:16:53 PM EDT
I dunno but maybe they were the fat girl in high school that nobody liked so when they become better looking they still don't have good self esteem and they need to feel "hot"

Your post would have gotton more replys if you didn't write "no pics"
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:19:22 PM EDT
Your post would have gotton more replys if you didn't write "no pics"
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Aviator   [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:20:41 PM EDT
After a short discussion with my wife , we've come to the consensus that its a self-validation thing about being desirable .
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:24:04 PM EDT
After a short discussion with my wife , we've come to the consensus that its a self-validation thing about being desirable .
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That and low self esteem.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:26:30 PM EDT
I never seem to find these women in person.[:(]
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:32:38 PM EDT
Attention Whores
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:37:46 PM EDT
Having bounced at a "bikini bar" I can tell you that atleast for the dancers, most are college girls strapped for cash and they are lacking somewhat in the morals dept.  As far as the porn stars go, my belief is that they are introduced by a boyfriend, FATHER or someone close after years of being told they are no good at something.

Even though I hate Howard Stern, I agree with his belief that whores, ummmm, I mean, PORN STARS were all sexually abused as kids.  It just sets sex off as being extremely dirty and that they should be used by men in order for them to feel good about themselves.  

My question to you is, Why do you care?  (No offense intended.)

Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:56:59 PM EDT
I didn't say I cared, just wondered.

Its seems so prevalent today and I would suspect its increasing.

I have two daughters myself and hope to God they've had a decent enough upbringing to avoid such public displays.

But its obvious so many daughters haven't. Is there THAT much abuse going on in todays world?

Glad I had honest, moral, outstanding parents.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:03:14 PM EDT
For the same reason that many men feel compelled to flaunt wealth or power. These are traits desireable to the opposite sex and they are establishing their position.

And if women didn't display their bodies and men didn't drive Beamers we'd have to kick each others ass to compete for mates.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:08:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:30:12 PM EDT
men would do it too, but women would NOT pay for it.

like what SA said, a womens power is Sex, a mans power is Money.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:49:11 PM EDT
Kicking each other's ass for a mate?  Now, I like that idea.  Not that I would be overly sucessfull, but it sure would help to get rid of the peace-nicks' genes in our society.  

I imagine a better world as I type......
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:50:43 PM EDT
The womenz at the strip club told me that they dance mainly for the money, but second to that is the feeling of power and control they have over the guys.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 10:53:47 PM EDT
men would do it too, but women would NOT pay for it.
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I believe in the general case, you're right, women probably would not pay (Chippindale's being the exception).

But I think the primary reason is if a guy goes around showing off his johnson, other men will view him as a joke -- a pervert, a homo, idiot, etc. A man will not gain respect among other men for that kind of behavior. But women obviously do not lose as much respect among other women for showing off their bods. A woman's sexuality has always been her primary power, if not her only power, over men. So, when a woman uses that power, it's not considered a bad thing by other women.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:00:01 PM EDT
mattja has a point...gay men are always trying to get naked too. They want to be viewed as homos and it works.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:36:33 PM EDT
Having bounced at a "bikini bar" I can tell you that atleast for the dancers, most are college girls strapped for cash and they are lacking somewhat in the morals dept.  As far as the porn stars go, my belief is that they are introduced by a boyfriend, FATHER or someone close after years of being told they are no good at something.
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Did you also notice that all those college girls were all majoring in the same field: psychology?  My good friend in the mid-90's worked for a man who owned a few full-nude bars around town.  We spent a lot of late nights hanging out with some of those girls in the V.I.P. room, and backstage.  Most were nice, but they were all fucked up in some ways.  And literally every one of them who was going to school was majoring in Psychology.

What was even more interesting was running into a girl I attended Baptist summer camp and elementary school with at this full-nude club.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:42:41 PM EDT
mattja has a point...gay men are always trying to get naked too. They want to be viewed as homos and it works.
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Which has always been my single biggest personal problem with most gay men.  It's not that I consider what they do wrong, as I am not concerned with what any person and another consenting adult does in the privacy of their own bedroom.  It's merely the fact that being gay is their primary identification in life, and they cannot exist publicly without their being gay being an issue.

Ellen Degeneris, for example, was actually rather funny before her sitcom and career got hijacked by her gay agenda.  It wasn't "Hi, I'm Ellen and I'm funny!"  It was "Hi, I'm Ellen, I'm gay and you have to deal with it!"  Not to thread hijack...

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:42:55 PM EDT
Don't forget, Remember Goliad!!
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:01:17 AM EDT
its all about the $$$$
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:06:56 AM EDT
For the same reason that many men feel compelled to flaunt wealth or power. These are traits desireable to the opposite sex and they are establishing their position.

And if women didn't display their bodies and men didn't drive Beamers we'd have to kick each others ass to compete for mates.
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What he said... I like naked chicks [:D]
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:09:34 AM EDT

Well what the hell else do you want them to do... TALK?!

Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:38:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:43:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 5:58:59 AM EDT
"I married her to keep her from getting away,NOW shes there everyday"[pissed].....thats a bud's quote/attitude.I never made that mistake!I need not say anything,its all said here.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 6:32:04 AM EDT
men would do it too, but women would NOT pay for it.

like what SA said, a womens power is Sex, a mans power is Money.
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I think Peter North would disagree with you![:D]
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 7:23:28 AM EDT
The same two reasons women do everything else.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 8:21:24 AM EDT
What was even more interesting was running into a girl I attended Baptist summer camp and elementary school with at this full-nude club.
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I'm trying to figure out what part you find most interesting; the girl being there or you.  [:I]
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:15:02 AM EDT
Money and/or Drugs...
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 10:32:40 AM EDT
It's merely the fact that being gay is their primary identification in life, and they cannot exist publicly without their being gay being an issue.
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Many "gun" people have that same problem.  Discuss politics and several people will chirp-up that they won't vote for someone who isn't pro-gun, no matter what.  I got flamed without mercy last summer for recommending a candidate who, while he isn't very pro-gun, probably agrees with most of what we do.  Turning a candidate's entire set of beliefs into a single question concerning gun ownership isn't productive.  It's not very different than the, "I'm gay, deal with it" attitude.z
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 11:01:46 AM EDT
Unfortunately, we live in a materialistic world.  As long as there is big money out there to offer, everyone has a price. So women pose nude.....men kill, cheat, commit treachery and treason (in the case of CIA agent Aldrich Ames and FBI agent Robert Hanssen).
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 11:08:21 AM EDT
What is it about a womans personality that makes her want to take her clothes off in front of the whole world? Why is it so easy to find a woman that wants to strip, flash, dance, or have sex in front of a camera? Its everywhere!And even a lot of them are real good lookin. They're not all doing it for money. Do women really crave attention that badly that they have to disrobe to get it? Theres naked women everywhere. I'm not necessarily complaining just wondering. [:D]
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I was young.  I needed the money.
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Me too.  The Ladies made me do it...I felt so dirty.

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