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Posted: 11/21/2000 6:33:23 AM EDT
I like this new site a lot. It seems to be a lot faster then the old the old one.
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 8:27:01 AM EDT
If I heard Edward correctly, the "old" site will stay there for a while. Dont know exactly if he wants to make the transition completely. But this software definitely has potential.
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 11:05:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 12:03:42 PM EDT
I got on.  I lost my old account when changing emails.  I like the lighter color of the old board better.

Support PRK Political Prisoners
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 12:52:18 PM EDT
Gotta say I prefer the old format.  This one is confusing and I do NOT like having to "Log In" to the board.
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 1:26:52 PM EDT
First impressions are:
1. The type is too small.

2. It is very dark, depressing looking.

3. Does seem a little faster.

Can the type size be increased, with a lighter color scheme?
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 2:10:03 PM EDT
I agree with RIKWRITER. I DO NOT like having to log in. Otherwise, it looks interesting. I don't mean to sound thick headed, but what was wrong with the old site? Why are we changing?
(I remind myself of a joke: How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb? Three. One to change the bulb and two to lament how much better the old bulb was.)
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 2:52:56 PM EDT
Welcome Flintlock!  It's good to see that Ed is still into collecting old fossils!
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 3:31:35 PM EDT
I think the layout/format and color of old board was superior to any I've been to!
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 10:00:49 PM EDT
I like the grey colors, MUCH easier on the eyes. Give it a chance fellas.
Link Posted: 11/21/2000 11:45:56 PM EDT
I like it!  Good job Ed!


Link Posted: 11/22/2000 4:39:07 AM EDT
Looks very good to me and does seem to load much faster.  However when I try to add it to my favorites the new wants to overwrite the old.  Anybody have any suggestions.
Link Posted: 11/22/2000 5:45:08 AM EDT
My computer wanted to do the same thing. Just retitle this site, maybe AR15.comII and your computer will let you add it to your favorites without overwriting the old AR15.com.
Link Posted: 11/22/2000 5:45:47 AM EDT
Not better, not worse, except that I cannot get the Right side of the board to display..it looks like the traverse bar does not push the page all the way to the left, so that the "menu" along the left is still partially displayed while I try to read or post in 'forums'..any "fixes"??? Old site did not have this problem.
Link Posted: 11/22/2000 5:41:43 PM EDT
If I didn't have a 19" monitor I would be bitching about the font size.
Link Posted: 11/22/2000 11:35:02 PM EDT
Tried to register on the old site the other day,went with the same user name as this site,but I never got a reply back issuing me a PASSWORD.So I can't post on the old site.

Anybody know wazz-up with this?

Link Posted: 11/23/2000 12:23:05 AM EDT
I like the new system.


I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for all of my anti-leo comments in the past.

Link Posted: 11/23/2000 5:44:30 AM EDT
So far, I like the new site.  I agree, that it is a bit of a hassle to have to log in each time to the boards, but thats fine.  I think once we all get used to this, everyone will be happy.  (Well most....some will never be happy about anything.)
Link Posted: 11/23/2000 6:02:38 AM EDT
Not better, not worse, except that I cannot get the Right side of the board to display..it looks like the traverse bar does not push the page all the way to the left, so that the "menu" along the left is still partially displayed while I try to read or post in 'forums'..any "fixes"??? Old site did not have this problem.
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ED et al: It seems that some of the similie icons do not work also. [:d] [}:)] [8d]and so on.
Please try to send us a 'fix' so that we can view only the FORUMS print, NOT that menu bar on the LEFT when we're on FORUMS! The transfer bar will NOTlet me pick up the Right side of the forums pages......
Link Posted: 11/23/2000 9:31:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/23/2000 10:20:06 AM EDT
The log in problem I have is that it never works on the first attempt, but always on the second. Kinda strange.
Link Posted: 11/23/2000 11:18:15 AM EDT
On the passwords on the old system...  I believe you could set it up so that the system remembered your login name and password.  Therefore, you really didn't have to log in every time you posted.

Link Posted: 11/23/2000 11:26:14 AM EDT
It seems slower then the old site to me? THE FONT SIZE is WAY TO SMALL, I can hardly see it and I have a 17" monitor!
Link Posted: 11/24/2000 7:07:52 PM EDT
will the archives tarnsfer to new board?
Link Posted: 11/25/2000 6:31:50 PM EDT
Noticed that the for sale section is no longer available.  Is that going to be a permanent change to the new site?

New site is nice, except the font size is kind of small.

Ed Avila:  thank you for creating and running AR15.com - we owe you tons !
Link Posted: 11/25/2000 7:54:05 PM EDT
Tried to register on the old site the other day,went with the same user name as this site,but I never got a reply back issuing me a PASSWORD.So I can't post on the old site.

Anybody know wazz-up with this?

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I've sent you a separate e-mail confirming that I had exactly the same problem yesterday. I just now got "quote with reply" to work here on the new board by [b]switching from Internet Explorer 5.5 to Netscape 6.0.[/b] [bd] Our registration failures on the old board may also be related to browser issues...haven't had time to test it yet.


Link Posted: 11/26/2000 12:06:29 PM EDT
The 'For Sale' forum is renamed "Equipment Exchange" to access it go to the "All Forums" page, the link is in the uprer right corner.  Kinda neat the ak47 sale forum is there to.
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