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Posted: 4/17/2001 10:07:41 PM EDT

teehehehehe  [:)]
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 10:26:15 PM EDT
Looks like something I would do. [:)]

Of course, I'd use a 5 gallon jug probably....Haven't had that kind of fun since I was younger and dumber, though.
Link Posted: 4/17/2001 11:23:42 PM EDT

Having done a couple dry ice bombs in my day I was always careful to not put too much dry ice into the 2liter bottle so that way they wouldn't build up pressure too quickly.  They must have put a TON of dry ice into that thing for it to have been putting out that much CO2 out of the top of that thing.  It also didn't take very long for the pressure to build up to blow that thing up either so I know they used a lot, idiot could have made a real mess of things if it had gone off in his hand but that's just my own personal experience talking, NO WAY would I want to hold one of those things when it went off even if the plastic is fairly light weight.

We always did ours outside where it was relatively safe, we'd also take a precaution of squeezing the sides of the bottle to make it so that the gasses would first have to inflate the bottle before the pressure could build and cause the bottle to burst.  We used just enough dry ice so that it would take about 2 minutes for it to build up to the point where the bottle would burst, the boom always came as a surprise too.  Outdoors those things are PLENTY LOUD, loud enough that we would drown out the illegal fireworks of other people in the neighborhood when our dry ice bombs went off.  We'd let the neighbors know what we were doing so that way they wouldn't call the cops on us when they heard the really loud noises in the neighborhood, the first couple ones always surprised them and we had to reassure them that the things wouldn't harm them since the light weight bottle debris quickly lost momentum after a very short distance.  We just made sure that nobody was within a distance of 25ft when we were setting these things off, results were always impressive.

I CANNOT IMAGINE HOW LOUD THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN INSIDE OF A ROOM!  That video camera's microphone very likely clipped due to the sound overpressure and that the sound is not represented very well on film.  What gets me is that they did a couple of them indoors, look carefully and you can see the shrapnel from other dry ice bombs on the table in the background before the video shows the two dry ice bombs going off.

It took a little over 12 seconds for that thing to build up pressure and go off, that is a very thin margin of time and a majority of that was spent with the stupid thing in his hands!

I get frightened at the thoughts of having to fire a pistol or shotgun indoors, that stupid dry ice bomb is nearly as loud only it's a different kind of loud.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 4:16:29 AM EDT
I laugh my ass off at the guy with the green smoking bottle that runs by real fast screamin "oh my god oh my god!!!"

God... that looks like a lot of fun :)
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 5:31:12 AM EDT
Frank , I believe these guys have got them beat (and I work with some graduates from Undue Purversity ....) - lighting barbecues with LOx

                             Nuclear Picnic

                             by Dave Barry

                       The Boston Globe Magazine
                            June 25, 1995

   Today's culinary topic is:  how to light a charcoal fire.  Everybody
   loves a backyard barbecue.  For some reason, food just seems to taste
   better when it has been cooked outdoors, where flies can lay eggs on
   it.  But there's nothing worse than trying to set fire to a pile of
   balky charcoal.

   The average back-yard chef, wishing to cook hamburgers, tries to ignite
   the charcoal via the squirt, light, and wait method, wherein you squirt
   lighter fluid on a pile of briquettes, light the pile, then wait until
   they have turned a uniform gray color.  When I say "they have turned a
   uniform gray color," I am referring to the hamburgers.  The briquettes
   will remain as cold and lifeless as Leonard Nimoy.  The backyard chef
   will keep this up - squirting, lighting, waiting; squirting, lighting,
   waiting - until the bacterial level in the side dishes has reached the
   point where the potato salad rises up from its bowl, Bloblike, and
   attempts to mate with the corn.  This is the signal that it's time to
   order Chinese food.

   The problem is that modern charcoal, manufactured under strict consum-
   er-safety guidelines, is one of the least-flammable substances on
   Earth.  On more than one occasion, quick-thinking individuals have ex-
   tinguished a raging house fire by throwing charcoal on it.  Your back-
   yard chef would be just as successful trying to ignite a pile of rocks.

   Is there a solution?  Yes.  There happens to be a technique that is
   guaranteed to get your charcoal burning very, very quickly, although
   you should not attempt this technique unless you meet the following
   criterion:  You are a complete idiot.

   I found out about this technique from alert reader George Rasko, who
   sent me a letter describing something he came across on the World Wide
   Web, a computer network that you should definitely learn more about,
   because as you read these words, your 11-year-old is downloading
   pornography from it.

   By hooking into the World Wide Web, you can look at a variety of
   electronic "pages," consisting of documents, pictures, and videos
   created by people all over the world.  One of these is a guy named
   (really) George Goble, a computer person in the Purdue University
   engineering department.  Each year, Goble and a bunch of other
   engineers hold a picnic in West Lafayette, Indiana, at which they cook
   hamburgers on a big grill.  Being engineers, they began looking for
   practical ways to speed up the charcoal-lighting process.

   "We started by blowing the charcoal with a hair dryer," Goble told me
   in a telephone interview.  "Then we figured out that it would light
   faster if we used a vacuum cleaner."

   If you know anything about (1) engineers and (2) guys in general, you
   know what happened:  The purpose of the charcoal-lighting shifted from
   cooking hamburgers to seeing how fast they could light the charcoal.

   From the vacuum cleaner, they escalated to using a propane torch, then
   an acetylene torch.  Then Goble
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 6:02:23 AM EDT
We always used 2 liter bottles. Filled them about 1/3 of the way with "works" toilet bowl cleaner then took aluminum foil and made about thirty or fourty small pieces formed into a ball shape and dropped them into the bottle.
Put the cap on, shake it real good, and in about a minute BOOM.

We blew up a plastic mailbox when I was a kid with this mix.
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 12:42:31 PM EDT
Just like the song...

"If yer gonna be stupid, ya gotta be tough"

or somethin like that
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 2:44:45 PM EDT
What do I need to see the movie?


Link Posted: 4/18/2001 3:37:41 PM EDT
You need Realplayer. get it for free from www.real.com
Link Posted: 4/18/2001 4:59:01 PM EDT
those wernt even that good. me and some friends made some the other day that people heard for miles. some kids made some and the ass town cop took one of them to the copshop and held him there telling him he was gonna get shipped to eldora ( the iowa juv.detention center). all this despite teh fact that they are damn near harmless
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