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Posted: 5/11/2003 11:05:07 AM EDT
Before I get labeled as a troll..my old account was to old and I couldn't remember my screen name so I reregistered. I lurk more then post, but the new conduct code made me want to say..it's about time. The old one was looking like a NASCAR rule book. Well done Eric.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:15:01 AM EDT
Thanks Luke, but Striker, and a several other Staff and Moderators were a big help in getting everything perfected! [;)]

Link Posted: 5/11/2003 12:17:30 PM EDT
My account is alive and well, but sometimes I like to post under this name. [:D]

And yes, the new CC is quite exemplary by a group of top notch people. [;)]

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