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Posted: 12/7/2000 11:45:16 AM EDT
Registering those evil rifles under RR/BS-23 or removing from the state.

Registering:  The guns are still around for all to see an glare at.  The socialist democrats want the guns removed.

OutOfState: Out of harms way and can't break any of the "felony" (transporting,shooting spots...) laws lerking out there?
Link Posted: 12/9/2000 10:33:07 PM EDT
There's absolutely no reason why the government NEEDS to know what 'personal property' any citizen owns, unless they want to compile a list to use in the future to conficate those listed items.   Why else make the list in the first place??  

The only legitimate reason for the government to compile any list of a citizen's "personal property" is for the purpose of taxation.   And, they know they can't tax a RIGHT!
Link Posted: 1/20/2001 12:38:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2001 12:40:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 4:57:48 AM EDT
Paul, very astute and well written.  So many have been taught that the Revolutionary War was over taxes and tariffs, forgetting that 'shot' was fired over gun control.  I do hope we are still the same people as 230 years ago should that time ever come again...

Link Posted: 1/21/2001 6:40:05 AM EDT
Muzzleblast, you are wrong.  I wish you were right, since the S.Ct. once even said that "The power to tax is the power to destroy" but that has been abandoned.

Paul, out of curiosity, just why were the Brits marching to confiscate the arms?   Why were the Brit soldiers there at all?  Taxation protests, tarriffs, corrupt judges, etc.
Link Posted: 1/22/2001 9:29:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 7:18:11 AM EDT
You all know that without the RKBA there will be no means to protect/preserve any of our rights.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 1:02:50 PM EDT
The Second Amendment makes all others possible! Gun control works... just ask all the "great" leaders of the world. Stalin,Hitler,Castro,Tony Blair, and any of the number of libs that hold office here in the USA. If Hollywood and all its stars dont like our RKBA they can move overseas! [chainsawkill]
I heard a story by a Jewish man  that was ask by his grandson "Why would all those Jewish people just line up to be killed in the gas chambers?" His granddad said "Because the Nazi's had all the GUNS!" It is just that simple!
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 3:10:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 2:44:12 PM EDT
What does one do?  What did the Pilgrims do?
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 5:30:19 AM EDT
If I was in Kali, I would have hauled my guns off to store someplace else, if I couldn't haul myself off.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 9:25:46 AM EDT
We can't leave.  Besides a sign of defeat, it's also that "monkey on your back" scenario, and will migrate to the federal level.  

It's pretty crappy here, they have banned 1/3 of all rifles and 60%-70% of all pistols.

The Kali SC has ruled the 2nd is a state right but the other Bill of Rights are individual.  Where's the USSC ruling/conformation?
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 10:26:11 PM EDT
Are you guys suffering rolling black outs?  Well, so are the liberals for imposing unconstitutional laws!  Which by the way.......you guys are suffering right along because you choose to keep living there, and pay (HIGH tax's) the Kali Government to regulate you.

Believe me, it is pay back, but it is due to their stupidity and overregulations!  I cant wait to see how overregulating firearms ownership will bite 'em in the ass!!!!
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