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Posted: 2/21/2001 8:22:20 PM EDT
Hey guys,

What does SOCOM mean and stand for?

I know that SOC is "special ops command" but what does the rest stand for?

Link Posted: 2/21/2001 8:39:35 PM EDT
Both of them stand for Special Operations Command, however SOCOM is the proper name.

http://www.socom.mil for more information.
Link Posted: 2/21/2001 8:48:53 PM EDT
Actually, its USSOCOM.  
Link Posted: 2/21/2001 9:33:44 PM EDT
HQ AT MacDill A.F.B., Tampa,FL.
Link Posted: 2/21/2001 10:59:43 PM EDT

Feeling really stupid right about now.

kinda answered my own question didn't I. [:I]

Link Posted: 2/22/2001 6:26:12 AM EDT
Southern Ohio COMmies?
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 6:32:51 AM EDT
AKA a very large, heavy, bulky pistol manufactured by HK
Link Posted: 2/22/2001 7:03:14 AM EDT
From what I have heard, SOCOM stands for Special Operations COMand.  This is just what I have heard, so don't get all pissed off if I am wrong.
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