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Posted: 5/22/2002 8:08:38 PM EDT
A Sercret Service Agent walked into a store during a robbery.  He detained one suspect but didnt' take the time to clear the store.  He missed one bad guy and was short three time in the chest.

I know it's fiction but it a good reminder to the CCW folks.

Link Posted: 5/22/2002 8:36:45 PM EDT
I was so ticked off by that...You know, I had a Ex Secret Service Agent for an pistol instructor at one of the schools I attended once, and never, but never, could I ever imagine this guy securing one perp in the middle of a cluttered market like that, without sweeping to see if that was the only perp.

I mean This guy thats supposed to be an agent just gets up from cuffing the guy, holsters his weapon and goes strait from condition red to condition white. Strait from guns on to Bebop mode all in the course of about three seconds...and of course the other perp walks out of the freezer and pops him three times in the chest (An Agent on Duty without Body armor?, Darn, musta been those evil cop killer bullets that all liberals think every street punk has a gun full of.) I'm Sorry, but I just was not buying it, I never met a secret service agent, who would hang a please shoot me because I'm stupid sign around his neck, like that guy did.

Which just goes to show that liberal crack head script writers cannot come up with anything aproaching  a realistic shooting scene.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 9:10:55 PM EDT
JAG had a show where the Admiral was a "consultant" to the movie crew who was at the base.
He was fed up with being ignored.
He told the Director, "this isn't about the NAVY!"
The Director said, "it's about selling SEATS."

In other words, accuracy didn't count.  Making money did.
Hollywood Bullshit.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 9:41:39 PM EDT
What on earth are you doing watching the 'West Wing?!'  Get a life!
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 10:47:27 PM EDT
Why in the world any self respecting gun owner would watch a faggoty-assed liberal anti-gun show like West Wing is beyond me.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 5:52:52 AM EDT
BobCole beat me to it.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 5:53:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 6:14:22 AM EDT
I would rather have hot pokers shoved into my eyeballs than to watch one solid minute of that moronic show.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 6:20:23 AM EDT
Actually I like it.....

It shows exactly how the other side thinks and acts.

Sure I get hot under the collar but hey...I like that!!!

Not to mention its fun to watch for all the errors.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 6:47:28 AM EDT
lovingly known as the Left Wing... I don't think I've seen more than 5 minutes of it....  no... wait... I watched the episode kinda based on 9/11 where they had the students and had a close in.  The guy was talking about Islaamic beliefs and such.  

I won't watch that show again....
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 6:52:16 AM EDT
Whadda you guys want?  They already have Martin Sheen as president, so anything is possible. [;)]
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 8:16:16 AM EDT
Actually I like it.....

It shows exactly how the other side thinks and acts.

Sure I get hot under the collar but hey...I like that!!!

Not to mention its fun to watch for all the errors.
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A-Ha!  The other side doesn't think! [;)]
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 8:36:53 AM EDT
A Sercret Service Agent walked into a store during a robbery.  He detained one suspect but didnt' take the time to clear the store.  He missed one bad guy and was short three time in the chest.

I know it's fiction but it a good reminder to the CCW folks.

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Jimbeam makes a good point about multiple perps.

I hate West Wing! Its a liberal propaganda machine that portrays military, conservatives, and Christians as uneducated second class citizens.

The creator was arrested for drug possesion in an airport last summer.  He must have been on a trip when he wrote that script.  Secret Service is better then that.

Link Posted: 5/23/2002 9:20:15 AM EDT
I love how their crackhead producer/writer moralizes to his audience.  Busts me up everytime.  I especially love it when he and Martin Sheen go off on the REAL president, because he doesn't live up to their idealized fictional characters.
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