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Posted: 5/26/2002 10:03:54 AM EDT
Wow.  Yoda leading imperial stormtroopers.  Wow.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:10:23 AM EDT
I need to see this movie, cause right now the title "Attack of the Clones" conjures images of trailer park people attacking with their Special Weapons firearms.

"Dang Cletus it done locked up again. I's goin' to tha SKS cover me."
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:16:35 AM EDT
I need to see this movie, cause right now the title "Attack of the Clones" conjures images of trailer park people attacking with their Special Weapons firearms.

"Dang Cletus it done locked up again. I's goin' to tha SKS cover me."
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Hey, I live in a trailer park, and no I don't own a lorcin, tec-9, etc.......
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:17:11 AM EDT
I made sure I didn't read any reviews and didn't learn about the story at all.  It was very very very good.  Much better then I thought it would be.  There were some pretty damn cool scenes in the movie.  The interesting thing though, is I watched Episode I a few days ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was when it first came out.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:18:07 AM EDT
I need to see this movie, cause right now the title "Attack of the Clones" conjures images of trailer park people attacking with their Special Weapons firearms.

"Dang Cletus it done locked up again. I's goin' to tha SKS cover me."
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Hey, I live in a trailer park, and no I don't own a lorcin, tec-9, etc.......
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aaaahhh...but what about an SKS, huh? [:D]
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:19:38 AM EDT

Hey, I live in a trailer park, and no I don't own a lorcin, tec-9, etc.......[/quote]

aaaahhh...but what about an SKS, huh? [:D][/quote]

I did, but I like the AK better.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 10:24:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 4:14:06 PM EDT
Went to see this movie based upon the coomments here.

Much like the last Star Wars flicks it was WAY overhyped. While it was much better than the last SW movie, that ain't saying much.

They didn't even show what would have been the best part, Anakin opening a can of whupass on the sand people.

Senator whats her name was pretty hot but they persits with the "styled by a homo" hairdos.

Obi Wan is almost half a fag in this movie and Yoda is just so much computer animation when it comes to gettin busy.

The arena scene was nowhere near as cool as Luke Vs. The Whatever Monster in "The Empire Strikes Back." The computer generated monsters are less impressive.

And the usual cast of annoying Episode One charcters (Jar Jar "Homeboy" Bing, The Flies around me thing that sold Anakins Mom and others) did much to take away from this movie and give it a childrens cartoon appeal.

If you are 8 years old this will be a cool movie. If the last good one you saw was "Return of the Jedi", then it will still be the last good one you will have seen.

Lucas really needs to figure out who his movies are for and either create them for the now adult original Star Wars generation or the new ones. Trying to make movies for both crowds just isn't working.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 4:52:55 PM EDT
From what I have read Lucas has always stated his target audience is the younger viewer.  I disagree about the digital effects used on the monsters.  While I can't remember Luke fighting a giant monster in the second movie other than the snow creature; in Return of the Jedi where he was in the pit with the monster the scenes with him and the monster together looked like the guy in front of the movie screen trick.  That being said I have been disappointed overall with the last two movies.  They don't have the magic of the first three.  The reason I am not sure of. I am getting older, used to them, or have seen better stuff since, could be any or all three of those reasons.

BTW, I dont like how Lucas is tying everything together in such perfect fashion.  Irritates me for some reason.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 4:58:45 PM EDT
I went to see it because Natalie Portman is a complete hotty and for the "Yoda kicks ass at the end" thing. Both are pretty cool. It was a lot better than the first one[8D]
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 8:59:13 PM EDT
Went to see it, and yes i've read all the trash the critics wrote. Is it better then Phantom Menace? yes. Is it perfect? no, of course not.-what movie is?

I found the film enjoyable and do not see how Obi Wan was a "fag". Ewan McGregor is a good actor and one of the best characters in the new Star Wars films.

Star Wars films have lost their magic simply because they are not "new" to you, but to an 8 year old they are. You are old, you have seen more and have a tighter hold on reality/maturity.

As far as Science Fiction goes, there is nothing wrong with either Star Wars film. Star Wars has never truly been realistic (fiery explosion in the vacuum of space?). If you want more maturity and realism, watch Star Trek. In my own opinion Star Wars is more fun, More exciting and dynamic.

The last film i ever saw that caused a "suspension of disbeleif" was the Matrix. I am quite sure that the sequels will not produce the same effect. There is a mini-trailer out by the way that shows a few scenes.

My only real complaint about AOC was Anakin. He was too bratty. I would have thought Darth to be deeper and moody. Hopefully he will be so in the third film.

A couple of things i noticed and thought were odd were why would a "Queen" serve two terms like a senator? The other was when Obi and Annie were chasing Count Dookie. When the landing craft drops them off two of the Clones jump off behind them, but dont appear during the duel. Did they die when the craft got blown up by the fighters?

George Lucas pretty much had to use Computer Generated Aliens in the new movies. Yes puppets are cool, but Computer Graphis are easier to manipulate. This is one of the reasons George waited to make the new films. It could'nt be done with puppets!

Link Posted: 5/28/2002 9:54:29 PM EDT
I was never into star wars.  I think I had seen return of the jedi a couple times, but never all the way though.  A bunch of my friends like it, so they watched a Star Wars episode every night before we went to see episode 2.  (One of my friends works at the theater and got us all in, I refuse to pay $8 to support some Hollywood commie.)  Anyway, Im not even a sci-fi fan, but after being caught up on the whole theme I did enjoy episode 2.  I am interested to see how much stuff they are going to be able to fit into episode 3 to follow the plot.  I must say that [i]yoda kicks ass[/i].
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 10:12:06 PM EDT
I grew up loving the original movies, and I love these new ones.  Especially AOTC, I thought it was really sweet.  TPM was a bit of a let down, but still had redeeming qualities to me.  I think if you get the backstories and subplots you'll enjoy it more.  I don't know, I've loved all the StarWars movies so far.  I can't wait for the final one (3 MORE YEARS, AHH!!).

The other was when Obi and Annie were chasing Count Dookie. When the landing craft drops them off two of the Clones jump off behind them, but dont appear during the duel. Did they die when the craft got blown up by the fighters?
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They are blown off the landing pad as the gunship blows up.  They actually fire a couple shots at the incoming ships, and then the ships fire two shots directly at them, hit them and blow them off the landing pad.  It's a far off camera shot that shows it, so it's easy to miss.  I had kinda wondered about that too, didn't see them until I went back and watched the VCD.    Lotta cool little details you miss like that, can't wait for the DVD. (Please let there be extended footage from the Tusken Raider slaughter on the DVD...)

Here's some screenies of that part:
Shots coming in at the tip of the pad: [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/incoming.gif[/url]
Hits on the pad: [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/shot.gif[/url]
Falling, you can just make out the white guy: [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/fall.gif[/url]

It's easier to see when it's playing, the screenshots are a little blurrier.

Here's a raider cut smack dab in two, hehe:

Any screen shot requests?

Here's some of Yoda real quick:
"I know KungFu": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda1.jpg[/url]
"Homey Don't Pla Dat": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda2.jpg[/url]
"It ain't easy being green": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda3.jpg[/url]
"This belong to you?": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda4.jpg[/url]
"Not head of the Jedi council for nothin'": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda5.jpg[/url]
"Who can Jam over any man??  YODA!": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda6.jpg[/url]
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Frog": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda8.jpg[/url]
"Not even breaking a sweat yet...": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda7.jpg[/url]
"Alright, that's over now where's my damn cane, oh there it is": [url]www.inter-scape.com/ray/yoda9.jpg[/url]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:12:06 AM EDT
Isn't it interesting that Portman plays the two term queen that becomes the senator?  I don't know if it was my imagination, but it seemed to me there were a few (or a lot) of references in this movie that were intended to brainwash more sheep.  They will make good peasants after the public schools turn them loose on the world.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:46:16 AM EDT
Isn't it interesting that Portman plays the two term queen that becomes the senator?  I don't know if it was my imagination, but it seemed to me there were a few (or a lot) of references in this movie that were intended to brainwash more sheep.  They will make good peasants after the public schools turn them loose on the world.
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I know, that has crossed my mind also, Hillary Clinton.
But this movie is in-consistent, the last time we left off Anikan was a child(8 years old?), and Natalie Portman's character Queen Amadela was in late-teens/early twenties; according to the story line it is suppose to be 10 years later, but Queen Amadela hasn't aged, but Anikan Skywalker is now a young man. I guess Padme(Queen Almadela) likes younger men.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:46:22 AM EDT
Unlike classic literature, movies weren't designed to be flawless or perfectly consistent. They are MADE for the unlettered masses.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 2:38:46 PM EDT
I went tonight and think it rocks...

You get some pretty good story insights.....things are falling into place. How did the Empire get to build the Death star in EpIV. The introduction of the Lars family on Tatooine.

Seeing a young Boba Fett alongside his father.

It's showing more and more of Anakin going down the dark path

I liked the airmobile style attacks of the clone troopers
Like the Empire strikes back this one is the middle of a trilogy.

Yeah I know it contains spoilers, but if you haven't gone to see the movie yet what the hell is taking you so long?

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