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Posted: 5/13/2003 10:18:48 PM EDT
Earmuff mounted video camera brought to you by an USPSA member.

DAMMMMMMMN!   Click on the videos.  

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 10:31:02 PM EDT
hmm, i think I need to practice more.
That and move out of CA so I can get a doublstack 1911 with some high-cap mags
mmmmmm  Infinitys are sweet
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 10:36:28 PM EDT
... I love that shit, every now and then I think of selling my racegear then I see this stuff. Robbie Leatham is a neighbor and friend of mine.

... Must make some time to go hose some steel soon.

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 10:51:52 PM EDT
Thats cool as hell if I had a camcorder I'd get one
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