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Posted: 4/13/2007 3:33:06 PM EDT
take a look

Fucking hackers, how can I report him so we can get rid of him?
Link Posted: 4/13/2007 3:41:37 PM EDT
Looks like he did everything (execpt for the SF stuff) in just one day, maybe one battle.  They could be stats hacks.

Simply contact EA, or find their BF2 support forums and post the link.  They'll reset his stats or something.
Link Posted: 4/13/2007 3:56:43 PM EDT

Looks like he did everything (execpt for the SF stuff) in just one day, maybe one battle.  They could be stats hacks.

Simply contact EA, or find their BF2 support forums and post the link.  They'll reset his stats or something.

Its a PITA to report shit to EA. They need to have a link on their main site.
Link Posted: 4/13/2007 4:09:06 PM EDT
10,002 points on one map.....
oh ea wont do anything they wont even ban hackers on 2142 because they need the players.
Link Posted: 4/13/2007 4:13:46 PM EDT
I found 4 more. Just look at the leader boards. EZ to find.

Link Posted: 4/13/2007 7:24:01 PM EDT
the name doesn't give it away  

JihadOfTheDay General

Link Posted: 4/14/2007 11:50:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/15/2007 6:04:16 AM EDT
even with the "aimbot"   he still had to unload on the guy pretty hard to take him down  
Link Posted: 4/15/2007 12:25:07 PM EDT

zomg hax

Just makes me glad I said fuck that game.

Why do these morons even bother to play with these cheats?
Link Posted: 4/15/2007 4:41:24 PM EDT
thats awesome, the cheats can have bf2 just so long as they dont migrate to any good games.
Link Posted: 4/15/2007 9:23:57 PM EDT
there are probably cheats for every game being played online.
the funny thing now is people are paying alot of money for hacks to eventually get banned.
except 2142 cause getting caught with hacks just kicks you, they need it to look popular.
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 5:54:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 5:18:27 PM EDT
While we all call out "hacker!" while playing BF2, it is still the most fun to be had playing with guys online. Rarely do I actually come across someone who is actually hacking.

Link Posted: 4/17/2007 6:11:24 PM EDT

While we all call out "hacker!" while playing BF2, it is still the most fun to be had playing with guys online. Rarely do I actually come across someone who is actually hacking.


i have never played bf2 online, but i will say the hacker problem is way over exaggerated, i have been playing online FPS games since the beginning and in my gaming "career" i have only encountered a handful of cheaters (i wont say hackers cause in my experience they dont hack anything and dont really know shit, except that they are unable to beat truly skilled players).
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 1:46:33 AM EDT
if you hang out on the hack sites msx is getting busted left and right buy punkbuster. i guess thier new stuff comes out and within hours puckbuster is banning people.

i play counterstrike and cheaters are a daily thing.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:54:44 AM EDT
......and no girl friend, job or life.  Reminds me of the geeks on AA that have 90 honor
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 3:04:38 PM EDT

......and no girl friend, job or life.  Reminds me of the geeks on AA that have 90 honor

And is there any problem with having high honor?

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:14:47 PM EDT


......and no girl friend, job or life.  Reminds me of the geeks on AA that have 90 honor

And is there any problem with having high honor?


If you play AA then you know how long it takes to get 90 honor, once you get to 60 it slows down and usually takes weeks to move up

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:30:46 PM EDT



......and no girl friend, job or life.  Reminds me of the geeks on AA that have 90 honor

And is there any problem with having high honor?


If you play AA then you know how long it takes to get 90 honor, once you get to 60 it slows down and usually takes weeks to move up

I used to play AA, it has been atleast a year or two, but my account was up to 91 honor

Link Posted: 4/22/2007 12:35:38 AM EDT



......and no girl friend, job or life.  Reminds me of the geeks on AA that have 90 honor

And is there any problem with having high honor?


If you play AA then you know how long it takes to get 90 honor, once you get to 60 it slows down and usually takes weeks to move up

And theres guys on BF2 who legitimately have 400,000pts.  Its cuz they've played it nonstop since it came out 3 years ago.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 12:29:23 PM EDT

10,002 points on one map.....
oh ea wont do anything they wont even ban hackers on 2142 because they need the players. targets for in game advertizements

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