It is hard to find, but try a vodka made from potatoes.
Chopin is one brand.
Most vodka is made from grain. It is basically ethanol.
Chopin and a very few others are made from potatoes. They are hard to find.
Try it straight, and compare it with straight grain vodka.
Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, is a flammable, colorless, mildly toxic chemical compound with a distinctive perfume-like odor, and is the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol for human consumption is the same as ethyl alcohol (ethanol), usually distilled from grain, potatoes or fruit (see warning below). Pure alcohol is about 190 proof, but alcohol bought in stores is usually diluted with distilled water (Vodka is pure alcohol diluted to 80 proof).
Warning: Never drink anything else than ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol/methanol) and isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol is toxic to the human body and may be lethal or cause serious brain damage.