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Posted: 4/21/2001 5:47:17 PM EDT
Wow,  One of the best days I've ever had. lol.

(4) 1919's and a M2 going full auto at once.  Not to mention 10 or 20 other full automatic guns, AK's, M16's, Styers, UZIs, Mac 10's etc etc. Oh, a lewis gun too.
golf ball morter, 5" Morter, a 2 or 3 inch cannon... boom.

I'll post the picture link soon.  I'll update this post and add in the link.  Going to take awhile at modem speed to upload the pics.

Thanks Oliver for the great shoot.  
Btw, Woody was awesome. :)

Woody, was the car we blew up.  It caught fire about 1-2 minutes into the barrage.  Grass around the car caught fire and we all ran to put it out.  A few fire extinguishers came out and it was easily contained.  Pics to follow...
Btw, just about nothing is left.

[heavy]  [heavy]  [heavy] [heavy] [heavy]

Here are a few,  uploading them very slowly... arrrg.  


Here is Woody before and during...


Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:33:40 PM EDT
I was flippin' exhausted but we still laughed the whole way home.  We decided the best joke of the day was when the neighbors called the cops and when the sheriff showed up, he ended up hanging around and shooting with everyone! [:D]

What a great group of people!  It was a treat to see familiar faces and nice to meet new ones.  Watching the father and son team next to us was a highlight for me.. what a sweet boy... and thank you for letting me try your weapons.  I am not the most technically knowledgeable person with respect to guns (Ross, stop laughing!) so it is really helpful for me to see and shoot different guns.

Thank you, Oliver and company, for hosting such a great shoot.. I am still crying over how gorgeous that property is and how much my horses and I would enjoy permanently settling there.  [:D]

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:05:10 PM EDT
An incredible day!  This was my first shoot and what a way to start them off.  

Don't forget the numerous FA/supressed 10/22's and the Barrett M82, McMillian, G3's et. al.

The grass will eventually grow back.  I don't think woody will see anymore days on the road, just a hunch.  And the picture of the Sheriff shooting 5-6 shot bursts with the AUG was priceless.

Thanks to Oliver and everyone for organizing it.  Also thanks to 7, I can't believe I was going to miss that.  

Been up since 0500, looks like I will be cleaning tomorrow.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:07:41 PM EDT
It was a hoot!  Man, when the car started burning I had to finish emptying my AR into it and grab my camera.  Hopefully the pics of the .50cal hitting it will come out.  I'll get it developed and scanned tommorrow.

Thanks to all who attended and made it such a memorable event.  It was worth going there just to see the mortar shoot into the lake.  I want a mortar now.  

Thanks to all that shared their fine guns.  It was great to try out all the different guns that were there.  Not to mention just the shear fun of it all.  

The best thing was the look on the Deputy's face when he touched off the suppressed 77/22 (Yeah I'm still laughing Miss Magnum[:P])  It was just too cool!

Thanks Oliver, et.al. for all the prep and work to put it together.  It was one of the funnest days I've had in a long time.

Pic to follow

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:08:08 PM EDT
I have a picture of the 5" morter firing with the can way up in the sky... it will be posted soon, unless I fall asleep.  Then it should be there tomorrow. lol.

Uhh, SNIPERm88, come clean my guns too.

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:42:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:50:17 PM EDT
How about a Pic of me crying because I was`nt there.
View Quote

Sorry to have to say this...  ;)

To that, I can only say what my offroad buddys say...

[b][red][size=5]SUCKS TO BE YOU[/size=5][/red][/b]

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:51:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:52:05 PM EDT
I'll finish uploading more photos tomorrow... I dead tired.

Link Posted: 4/22/2001 3:07:55 PM EDT
Wow. I could hardly hold a fork at dinner last night, my hand was so tired from sqeezing triggers...[BD] What a day! That's the best shoot I've been to in the state. I'm spent...
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 3:20:23 PM EDT
You know what makes me depressed?

There were more Full Auto and supressed weapons there than semi-automatic weapons!!!

Makes me feel like I'm behind in the game.  Time to get in gear.

Link Posted: 4/22/2001 3:48:32 PM EDT
You know what makes me depressed?

There were more Full Auto and supressed weapons there than semi-automatic weapons!!!

Makes me feel like I'm behind in the game.  Time to get in gear.

View Quote

How do you think I feel? Time for my ass to get a job.
Link Posted: 4/22/2001 9:57:35 PM EDT
Hey -
I will be working in Fairfax this summer and would love to go to your next shoot. please let me know if you will be having any thing happening up there.. Thanks a lot

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 3:38:33 AM EDT
I took my video tape and somehow make a mpg video of 2 minutes of the car barrage.   The sound is messed up, (hey, I'm new at creating mpg's) but you can see the action.

It is 25 meg,  now where can I upload this so you all can download it?

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 3:45:14 AM EDT
My skin is burned, my shoulder is sore, and my ears are ringing even through the 30db protection.  Now that's a shoot.

That braked .50 I was next to really did a job on me.  I kind of felt a little shellshocked when I hit my couch at home.

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 6:56:14 AM EDT
Mpg's are here.  Please reply letting me know if you could download them or not.

Went out to a virtual harddrive and dumped a few files.

Go to [url]www.filesanywhere.com[/url]
LOGIN: blkrifle

just click on the mpg you wish to see, 1-5 and click on the download arrow.   I'm not sure how good this will work with multiple hits.  guess we will see.

Btw,  got the sound working.

We need an area on AR15.COM where we can upload small mpg files of shoots.  This way it would be easy to upload/download them.  
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 8:18:16 AM EDT
7, How much footage did you end up getting?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 8:24:15 AM EDT
SNIPERm88,  I have about 40 minutes of footage.  Its awesome.  I've watched it about 4 times now.   This morning at work, I encoded the whole 40 minutes and I'm going to burn it to CD.  It is about 375 meg total.

Did you look at the mpg's I posted to that site?

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 9:07:54 AM EDT
Hey guys!  This was a blast.  Thanks for the pic of me shooting the 50 :).  I have to get one of those!!

I'm afraid a trip to the range will never be the same again after thumping on a car surrounded by 50's & 1919's getting showered with brass.  Thanks to Oliver & the owner who hosted the shoot, and thanks to everyone who came and brought firearms for others to try.  It was great fun.  

I'm still so sore I can't even shoulder a weapon, but I'm not complaining :).  I have 40-50 pics and several video clips as well.  Will post the links here when I get them uploaded.  

Great to see everyone again!

    Black Fox
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 9:56:28 AM EDT
[size=4]I read that thread and I didn't see anything about shooting up a car!

Shmidt, I miss all the good shoots.  [:(]
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 10:14:19 AM EDT
Well that was a perfectly good use for about 1000 rounds of ammo.  My Colt M4gery ate almost 600 rounds without cleaning or malfunction.

Of course having only semi-autos, I was in the minority.  

So I've sent my check for a Barrett M82A1.  Can you say muzzle blast!

Thanks Oliver!
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 11:16:04 AM EDT
Centauro97, wow you don't fool around do you?  You said you would get one and bam,  ordered the next day. lol.

Can someone respond if they were able to get/view the mpg I put up?


Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:04:40 PM EDT
I could not get the videos to work-tried to load as instructed-kept on getting "index"
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:18:16 PM EDT
My computer is a POS, the connection is way too slow and I only have one phone line.  It sucks but I don't pay the bill.  I can't download anything that is over 500k or so.

Link Posted: 4/23/2001 12:20:42 PM EDT
Where are the pics of the womenz?
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 4:03:10 PM EDT
I could not get the videos to work-tried to load as instructed-kept on getting "index"
View Quote

well crap.  

I need someplace where I can dump these files.  They are awesome to view.

We need our own AR15 ftp server!

Anyone know where I can dump these?  About 35-40 meg total.  
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 4:44:11 PM EDT
We burned up a good 1500rds between the three of us.  All of that, except some 9mm throguh some sub-guns, was in semis.  I can imagine how much the rattle-guns went through.  

That 50cal rifle was pretty concussive.  I was standing directly behind him when he took the first shot out of it, and you could see the shockwave coming out of the muzzle brake.  Not just the gas, but the actual shockwave.  Whoa!

I wore out my shoulder, arm and trigger finger.  I had to shoot my AR left handed for a while to take a break.  Just another reason to get a machinegun.  Less wear and tear on your finger.

My darn film of the car getting hit didn't come out.  I messed it up somehow.  Looks like plenty of pics available though.  


Link Posted: 4/23/2001 5:07:34 PM EDT
7 - I was able to download all your videos, and they work fine.  Video1 is the best : )  I should have a few more videos up tomorrow.  Man, what a day!

I have a few pictures up on my website.  Somebody can post them directly here, but I'll just post the link to the page: http://www.thefoxs.thefoxs.com/Hobbies/Shooting_Sports/VA_Shoot_2001/va_shoot_2001.html

Thanks again everyone!

    Black Fox
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 4:39:02 PM EDT
SO who got the group picture? Are they going to post it?
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