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Posted: 6/17/2002 12:39:56 AM EDT
For the first time, the US advances to the round of 8. 10 yellow cards 1 red card and a uncalled handball in the US 6 yard box. If you didnt get a chance to watch it like try to watch it later today. This is also the first time the US has had a shutout since 1950. The US players played a great game today. Lots of US soldiers at all the US games. Nice to see their support.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:46:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:48:10 AM EDT
It was a great game W/ good defense on the our side.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:50:54 AM EDT
That's great I was hoping to see the game but I of course missed it. Who do they play next? germany?
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:50:55 AM EDT
When does the rioting start?
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 1:06:59 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 6/17/2002 6:25:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 6:45:24 AM EDT
Damn... From the title of this thread, I thought that we had just downed 2 Mexican aircraft that had wandered across the border again.

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 6:51:44 AM EDT
Mexico was sooooo pissed off at the outcome that not one player stuck around after the game to exchange jersey's.  Uncalled handball?  Wasn't there an uncalled handball with the Maradona hand of God goal?      [:D]
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 12:26:24 PM EDT
Boo hoo Mexico [:D]  Please post links to samples of their predictable whining,crying and ranting on how much they hate us.  This probably hurts the individual "Mejicano"[rolleyes] more than the loss of Califonia, Texas and the whole Mexican-American war!  Too bad.  I have no sympathy for people who, instead of trying to educate and better themselves, or instead of trying to improve their own country and government, prefer to steal from their neighbor (US citizen, mostly of European desent) who was once poor but has pulled himself up by his bootstraps, fought in many wars, and has built an enviable country.  When will they learn that only they can solve their own problems.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 4:53:39 AM EDT
Damn... From the title of this thread, I thought that we had just downed 2 Mexican aircraft that had wandered across the border again.

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
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BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!.....That's a good one Anti!

No..this is more than that!...This is of MAJOR MAJOR GIGANTIC PROPORTION!...We are talking about the passion, the joy and pride of a Nation! The Mexicans don't care or less about downing zillion of their crafts...but beating their Soccer National Team in the World Cup?...This gotta [b]HURT[/b] for a looooong time baby!

For those who [sleep], WAKE UP!  This is America team (USA) advancing into the quarterfinal of a major world sport event! Beating all odds and teams who concidered themselve above the USA....And for that...

[b]GO USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA![/b]  
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:31:45 AM EDT
I've noticed a lot of papers and/or foreign press are now saying the US beat a mediocre team.  Bunch of loozers.

It should be fun to beat Germany.

Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:38:04 AM EDT
I'll be sitting in front of the TV, sipping German beer and eating American popcorn, one flag in each hand this Friday.

I simply can't lose :o)
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:47:12 AM EDT
I've noticed a lot of papers and/or foreign press are now saying the US beat a mediocre team.  Bunch of loozers.
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They fail to mention that you're talking about one of the top 16 teams in the world.  To all those zzzzzzz responses:  if you don't understand the game, you will never appreciate the skill and stamina required by soccer!
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:51:40 AM EDT
By stamina, are you referring to the stamina a viewer needs to watch a boring, scoreless game for two hours?
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:55:44 AM EDT
By stamina, are you referring to the stamina a viewer needs to watch a boring, scoreless game for two hours?
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Soccer is very entertaining if you understand the skill required to handle and pass the ball like these guys can do.  Much more action than baseball.
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 7:56:53 AM EDT
I've noticed a lot of papers and/or foreign press are now saying the US beat a mediocre team.  Bunch of loozers.
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They fail to mention that you're talking about one of the top 16 teams in the world.  To all those zzzzzzz responses:  if you don't understand the game, you will never appreciate the skill and stamina required by soccer!
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Playing soccer is a lot of fun. Watching it on TV... like watching painted grass dry and grow at the same time.

Link Posted: 6/18/2002 8:02:49 AM EDT
By stamina, are you referring to the stamina a viewer needs to watch a boring, scoreless game for two hours?
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Soccer is very entertaining if you understand the skill required to handle and pass the ball like these guys can do.  Much more action than baseball.
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So what? Baseball's boring too.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 8:04:31 AM EDT
When does the rioting start?
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Already started.  Headline from outr local paper "13 Held in Juarez Riot- Mexico's loss sparks vandalism."
"Police took 13 people into custody after hundres of angry Mexican soccer fans stormed the streets when Mexico lost to the United States early Monday.  The mob shattered car windows  hurled objects at Americans and sent at least one El Paso woman to the hospital........."

The "fans" probably went home, slept it off and then got up and went to their jobs here in the United States.
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 8:09:34 AM EDT
Ya'll sound like a bunch of "closet" Soccer Mom's...

FWIW:  It takes a lot of patience and skill to play poker too!
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 8:47:28 AM EDT
i'm with anti, i thought we had nailed those illegals again.

what a disappoinment when i opened the thread.
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:02:55 AM EDT
I've noticed a lot of papers and/or foreign press are now saying the US beat a mediocre team.  Bunch of loozers.
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They fail to mention that you're talking about one of the top 16 teams in the world.  To all those zzzzzzz responses:  if you don't understand the game, you will never appreciate the skill and stamina required by soccer!
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Playing soccer is a lot of fun. Watching it on TV... like watching painted grass dry and grow at the same time.

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We do not ask you to watch the damn game......We ask you to support your national team!....Gee! talking about some patriotic bunch!
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:06:30 AM EDT
Does this mean we have to support the U.S. Curling Team, too?
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:08:37 AM EDT
Does this mean we have to support the U.S. Curling Team, too?
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Depend...if they are guys or dolls. [:)]
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:09:43 AM EDT
World Cup loss to United States stuns soccer-mad Mexicans
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 9:25:22 AM EDT
I personally believe it is a shame A counrty that (for the most part) doesnt give a damn about the game.. has reached this far...

I'll feel better when Germany puts them back in thier place...[}:D][0:)]
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 11:45:39 AM EDT
World Cup loss to United States stuns soccer-mad Mexicans
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At the Yuppie's Sports Cafe, fans stood and sang as the Mexican anthem was played. Many screamed obscenities at the "Star-Spangled Banner" -- signs of resentment at a wealthier, more powerful northern neighbor that Mexicans often feel treats them with disrespect.

As the game drew to an end, fans sobbed. Some hid their faces in their team jerseys.

"It hurts because it's Mexico, but it also hurts because it's the United States," Luviano said.

Thousands of riot police ringed the Angel of Independence monument, a half-block from the U.S. Embassy, to prevent postgame disturbances. Cars were banned in the area and police searched for weapons or alcohol. The U.S. Embassy announced it would be closed Monday.
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The attitude shown above is why I think many board members have questioned our relationship with Mexico over many, many topics since I've been here (and despite the occasional Mexican-American board member who doesn't see what all the fuss is about).

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