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Posted: 6/6/2002 6:56:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:04:06 PM EDT
Tyson might be one the most devastating punchers the sport has ever seen, but unless you can hit the other guy, it doesn't mean much.  My vote goes to Ali.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:12:50 PM EDT
While Marciano would have given Cassius Clay a run for his money, Tyson would not last 4 rounds.

 The real question is: TYSON v. MARCIANO

 Two sluggers, two punchers, and two tough SOB's

SO, who wins? Tyson with the greater pyhsical strength, or Marciano with the greater boxing skills and mental endurance/stability, and heart?  
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:14:26 PM EDT

(if Tyson doesn't get himself DQ before that)
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:33:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:11:25 PM EDT

I think it's too easy to forget how [b]skilled[/b] a boxer Tyson USED to be.

In his prime he could cut off the ring, duck and slip punches and deliver punches in bunches each of which were liver-rippers and jaw-breakers.

Joe Frazier gave Ali all he could handle three times (winning one and BARELY losing another) and had a similar "crouched puncher" style as Tyson. But Frazier was simply a hard-headed bull and didn't have the explosive power or ring skills of the younger Tyson.

[b]Tyson/Ali would end just like Frazier/Ali I, only in the 3rd round not the 15th:[/b]

I hate Tyson today, but while under the tutelage of Cus D'Amato and Kevin Rooney, he was unbeatable.

Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:22:38 PM EDT
Brand me a heathen, but I couldn't root for any black militant muslim racist who hates white people or any POS rapist militant muslim.  Its kind of difficult to say they have any positive attributes other than Ali didn't rape any women.  I guess you can say that on karma alone, Ali would wipe Tyson's molasses colored ass all over the ring.  But that's only on karma mind you! [%|]
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:24:22 PM EDT
IMO, in their prime, Tyson the puncher would only have to get a hold of Ali the dancer once.

Round two. Tyson wins. TKO.

Link Posted: 6/6/2002 8:25:26 PM EDT
Ali went against some of the top ranked fighters of all time.
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Liston - past his prime.

Archie Moore - past his prime.

Floyd Patterson - lightweight past his prime.

Frazier - [b]Beat Ali first meeting[/b] , lost another, NEARLY beat him again.

Kenny Norton -  [b]Beat Ali first meeting[/b]

Leon Spinks -  [b]Beat Ali first meeting[/b]

Jimmy Young [%|] -  [b]beat Ali first meeting[/b](but lost to the judges).

Foreman - fought stupidly (some say fixed), young Tyson never fought stupidly.

Jerry Quarry - tomato.

Scott LeDeux - tomato paste.

Joe Bugner - tomato skin.

Chuck Wepner - tomato stain.

Trevor Berbick - Beat brain-dead Ali first meeting.

Yep, hell of a line-up.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 12:31:38 PM EDT
.They should do a computer simulated fight between them like they did with some fighters back in the 1980's.(I forget who they featured but it was excellent to watch)
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Hey Dom, that was Ali vs. Marciano, and YES it was one HELL of a fight.  As I remember, the fight went 11 or 12 rounds, with Marciano badly cut and behind on points when...he KO'd Ali in one of the late rounds.  
  Had it gone the distance, Ali would have won on points, but Maricano's power and heart were too much.

 ONCE AGAIN...YOU HEARD IT FIRST HERE: LEWIS WILL KO TYSON IN THE 6th ROUND!!!  (if Tyson has not already DQ himself) [:)]
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 12:41:33 PM EDT
Ali was a boxer.  Holyfield showed how Tyson matches up with a boxer.

But I did love watching Tyson in the early days - raw power.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 5:56:32 PM EDT
As much as I hated Ali as a kid(Im 46) I have no doubts that tyson would never have even laid a glove on him and would have wore himself out and got frustrated  and eventually knocked out by "The Champ  Ali"!
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 6:20:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 6:28:44 PM EDT
The real question is: TYSON v. MARCIANO
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"Everytime I start talkin' 'bout boxin' some white man pulls Rocky Marciano out their ass."

"That's their one!" "That's their one!"
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 6:43:24 PM EDT
In his prime nobody would have beat Tyson, devistating puncher, very hard to hit, and always was moving foward throwing punches in bunches and connecting with most of them, but unfortunately his mentor died and that was the end of the story. Now he is just a nut case.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:37:22 PM EDT
Tyson was a brawler (he is a NOTHING now), Ali was a boxer and a damned smart one at that. There is no way Tyson would have survived in the era of Ali, Frasier, Norton, et all.

Tyson only become dominant due to the lack of quality heavyweight fighters in the past 15 years.

Dumb as a stump and a cannibal to boot!! Ears......Mmmmmmm, Good Eatin!  
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:51:50 PM EDT
Tyson was a brawler (he is a NOTHING now), Ali was a boxer and a damned smart one at that. There is no way Tyson would have survived in the era of Ali, Frasier, Norton, et all.

Tyson only become dominant due to the lack of quality heavyweight fighters in the past 15 years.
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Compare styles.

In his prime Tyson fought like Frazier but was faster, sharper, had better head movement and punched harder that even Foreman.

Frazier & Norton beat Ali on their first meeting. Put the two together, add more moves, speed and power you'd have Tyson KOing Ali in under five.

Ali was good, but he wasn't unbeatable.

Tyson in his prime was as close to unbeatable as you could get.
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