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Posted: 5/22/2002 4:43:45 AM EDT
I am flying into Sacramento on my way to Reno/Tahoe for vacation. Can I legaly fly into Cali with a preban?

Thanks, John
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 5:39:31 AM EDT
It is my understanding that you may not.  In fact, I believe that ALL types of ugly black rifles with nasty big clips are illegal in that peaceful, idyllic state.  Pre-ban...post-ban...it just don't matter.  Having said that, I would verify with a CA LEO or possibly contact their DOJ.

Since you are flying in, there's a good chance your bags are going to get examined and I strongly suspect that if you decide to brazen it out and get caught, you'll be on the inside looking out real fast.

I hate traveling there (or just up the road into DC too...) since I know the only folks packing beside the lawmen are the crooks.

Don't try to figure out their whacked out [i]llogic...just don't go there.

Link Posted: 5/22/2002 6:09:43 AM EDT
I'm sure it's possible.  Try here for real information:

Link Posted: 5/22/2002 6:12:38 AM EDT
The only way you can legally bring a so called "assault weapon" into California is if you are participating in a sanctioned marksmanship competition.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 9:37:02 AM EDT
Thanks for the help guys... Will contact DOJ and see whats up.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 12:52:42 PM EDT
The only way you can legally bring a so called "assault weapon" into California is if you are participating in a sanctioned marksmanship competition.
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To do that you would have to get a permit from the Caliban DoJ.

I believe federal law protects people travelling THROUGH the state with AWs.  You ought to post this in the Legal forum.

FWIW (and that isn't much) you are pretty safe entering Californistan with any kind of firearm as long as it's properly stowed.  [b]No law enforcement agency has the job of screening people for illegal firearms entering the state.[/b]

If you drive into Cali you usually go through (state) agricultural and in the southern part of the country (federal) immigration checks, but these do not occur at airports.  Even if you have to take custody of your baggage and check it in at a counter, NOBODY is going to check for legality of any firearm.  I have travelled in and out of Cali numerous times with handguns and rifles INCLUDING AR-15s and never had any problem at all.  The people who check your firearms at the counter are airline employees, not state police!
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:36:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 6:29:00 PM EDT
Federal law says as long as the firearm is legal where you live and legal at your destination, you are protected while transporting it. If you are transporting it in an airline approved case (in other words, it's locked), and it stays locked in the case until you get to Nevada, you will be ok. You are not "importing" into CA.

You did not say if you are flying from Sac to Tahoe or driving, or if the place you're staying at Tahoe is in Nevada or CA. If you're flying then there is absolutely no problem as your luggage would be checked through. If you are driving just make sure you don't make any side trips while in CA. If you are staying someplace on the CA side of the lake then you are SOL.

As another thought, you could have the gun shipped to you at the hotel you will be staying at.

Yet another thought. If you are driving to Tahoe I assume you will be renting a car. If that's the case it will have CA plates. When you go back to Sac and drive through the Ag inspection station use the lane that says returning locals, and even if they are stopping everyone just say you don't have anything (fruits, plants, whatever).

Better yet if you are driving to the lake, take Highway 50. We are very cool up here and more than likely any CHP or Sheriff you encounter has more ARs than you do. Plus the Ag stop on 50 never stops the local returnees.

And if you are REALLY desparate, just stop by my place off 50 and I'll let you take one of mine over to play with.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 6:37:58 PM EDT
You are more than welcome to send it to my house (US Postal Service is best). I will bring it to you. Honest.
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