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Posted: 1/22/2001 7:49:03 PM EDT
[red]Watching SciFi channels "FirstWave" with Traci Lords(only reason I tuned in but it a cool show. It will give XFiles a run for its money)

Anyways here's tin foil hat theory. You ready?[/red]

[blue]What if the invasion of the body snatchers already started happening. Yes folks aliens taking over humans bodies.
What if they have taken over most of the politicians, and the media execs. Hence all of the anti gun propaganda. They do not want us armed for the invasion. Sure they can handle a few, but not the large masses. They cannot really snatch all of our bodies cause we are larger in numbers. So they are doing it systematically. Over a period of time. Pretty soon all of earth will be a bunch of pacifist softies.
What if then the mother ship comes. Most of military hierchy are aliens and causes mass confusion of our troops. The citizens are barely armed. What happens then.[/blue]

HAHAHAHAHAHA I love SciFi shows. Folks this show is a definite "must see TV" Write it down [violet] Mondays - SciFi Channel - First Wave[/violet] Oh and they use Glocks, Sigs, and HK USP's at least so far.

Link Posted: 1/22/2001 8:22:08 PM EDT


Link Posted: 1/22/2001 8:47:12 PM EDT
In that situation we fight with everything we have left.  We through everything we have at them.  "If God be for us, who could be against us"  

That and a tinfoil armored shield so their mind rays couldn't kill us![(:|)]
Link Posted: 1/22/2001 10:42:50 PM EDT
Anything starring Traci Lords is on my list. What a hottie.

Link Posted: 1/23/2001 12:23:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 9:16:43 PM EDT
Am I the only one that likes this show?
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 11:44:56 PM EDT
I used to watch that show but its gone downhill since the first episode.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 2:18:36 AM EDT
Surely, O Mighty Porngod Lordtrader, you have some..."action shots"...of Traci Lords.  Don't let us down now!
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 10:56:07 AM EDT
Surely, O Mighty Porngod Lordtrader, you have some..."action shots"...of Traci Lords.  Don't let us down now!
View Quote

Let me check with my people and I'll see what I can do [@:D]

Pimp Daddy
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 1:06:18 PM EDT
I love scantaly clad women!!  Whoo Hoo!!

If you want to be up to date, then you are going to have to check into the Velostat made by 3M.  "The Velostat made by 3M really works."(quote form ole beloved board)[:P]
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 1:15:20 PM EDT
Traci was a real tight hottie at 15.  Now look at her!  What's that a big beer belly!!!!
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 1:28:16 PM EDT
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Traci Lords a porn star years ago?

Oh my, i sure hope I don't ruin  your dreams of this girl by posting this link where there are movies you can see...
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 1:32:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:25:51 PM EDT
Surely, O Mighty Porngod Lordtrader, you have some..."action shots"...of Traci Lords.  Don't let us down now!
View Quote

How's this? http://www.terra.es/personal2/alaisla3/Lords0.jpg

Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:32:08 PM EDT
at them nipples.
WOW [sex]
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:46:41 PM EDT
Well Golgo13 requested this but he's not here.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 6:48:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 7:16:43 PM EDT
Next week is a tribute to Savannah [^]
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:22:24 PM EDT
Gotta "whack" this one back to the front page.

Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:30:02 PM EDT
guys come on,she's under age in those pics.
that's why her porn career ended so abrubtly.
those are promo pics for "talk dirty to me"
i think she was 14 maybe 15 when they were shot
please lets not do something to get ed in trouble.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:31:18 PM EDT
Anyone wanna buy an 8x10 glossy of Traci Lords, autographed? Comes with C.O.A.

Email me, she's my buddy.
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 8:49:19 PM EDT
This one will be gone by morning. [:(]

A true PIG
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:00:24 PM EDT

[b]"And so I says, so I says, so I says 'you ain't gettin no thought helmet on me, you jackbooted thug' and he says, he says, 'yes I am' and so I says, I says, 'no way you damned government robot' and he says he says 'you're going to pay for this' and I says, I says, 'see you in hell, Agent Orange'."
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:05:36 PM EDT
Fvcking work of art.

Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:07:26 PM EDT
And I don't mean the Charlie Manson wannabe posted above!

Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:19:44 PM EDT
heres a shot,
Link Posted: 1/25/2001 9:27:06 PM EDT
Damnit! I'm not going to get any sleep if you guys keep posting pics of my honey. Stop already!


I mean stop taking so long to post more pics. :)
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 4:46:36 AM EDT
C'mon guys..I went away for a day and you start posting Traci Lords pics!

Here's a little trivia for ya: I worked with Monique Gabrielle (Penthouse 1984) on a film in LA. A nice film..no nakedness.

Anyway..what a doll. One of the nicest and smartest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 6:06:18 AM EDT
Jeeps whats the trivia?
I think Traci is one smoking peice of chicken. Thanks for the pics. guys more,more,more. please.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 6:29:15 AM EDT
I dunno....a little trivia about me.

In case you guys get together and play cards, one of your can say. "Ok ok..what famous soft porn actress did Jeeps hang out with for three and half weeks?"

Then all the guys at the table will say, "We'll bite, what famous soft porn actress did Jeeps hand out with for three and a half weeks?"

Then you can say, "Monique Gabrielle."

Then, after a bit of silence, and looking at each other trying to remember who she is,someone, maybe even Golgo-13 will say, "Ok, are we playing cards are talking about Jeeps?"[spank]
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 7:42:01 AM EDT
Otay, I`ll file it away
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 6:32:33 PM EDT
Its on tonight. 8PM PST
Link Posted: 1/29/2001 7:36:15 PM EDT
Too bad that First Wave is not on Showtime, then we might see some real action.
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