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Posted: 4/23/2001 8:17:46 PM EDT
Well, wether in name or not, it sure felt like TBRS.  Just smaller and more informal?  

What a great time.  I'm having withdrawals already.  We need to schedule the OFFICIAL TBRS soon.  Hopefully before it gets too hot out.  How about early June?????

Zed pulled through again with the tournament.  The buzz;

Bowling pin shoots are out.

1/2 sized iron plate silouhettes at 100 yards are in!

What competition, what a blast.  Nothing like watching Zed pop those things with his bolt gun and smoke some unsuspecting novice who was packing a semi-auto.  Or Bull-dawg with his lever action .44  Talk about some good shots, makes me want to go practice!

Of course the one attempt at it on full auto that I saw ended in complete failure.  The complete consensus of the crowd was that full auto is fun but has no place in a real shootout.

My cousin Tim from Kali thanks everyone for such hospitality and friendliness.  He's actually thinking of moving to Texas now.  It was not only his first time ever firing a gun, but he got to try several others including an AR, an M-16, Mac10, Muzzleloader, AK-47, and a few others.

One man who just happened to be at the range that day asked what it was all about.  I just pointed to the back of my TBRS III t-shirt and that answered his question.  Was I cloned or was everyone wearing one?  He asked if he could try my 16, of course I let him.  He had a sheet eating grin from ear to ear.  I think we won over a new convert.  He asked for my card and wants to be invited to the next shoot.

I really hated to arrive late and leave early, but family in town and all...

Why don't we plan TBRS IV "The Comeback" now, rather than wait until the last minute?  Quite a few of the guys want to make it a quarterly event, at least during the good weather months.

Let us know what you think.

Justin out.
Link Posted: 4/23/2001 9:06:58 PM EDT
It was fun, for sure.  Agree wholeheatedly that we should have it asap before it gets hot.  Shooting the plates was lots of fun!!!  (damn you for knocking me out of the first competition [:D])

Hope to see everyone again soon

Link Posted: 4/25/2001 10:26:24 AM EDT
What?  That's it?  Only two of us had a good time?

Link Posted: 4/25/2001 11:18:14 AM EDT
I can hardly wait!
Link Posted: 4/25/2001 2:29:22 PM EDT
I was unaware that there was any officially sanctioned and sponsored "TBRS, Inc (c)(tm)(r)" event the weekend of 21 & 22 April.

Had a helluva time at the [b]"And The Horse You Ride In On"[/b] shoot, though.
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