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Posted: 4/20/2001 9:01:09 PM EDT
My Gawd!?!?!

Will this shit never end?????

Booted, let back in- Booted,....

All because I said "nigger"-

Man o man,

Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:06:54 PM EDT
i god booted from the rosie free willie room
for stating that the liqid twinkee diet she had in the hospital was the reason she looks so rough on television

i tell ya those hosts have no sense of humor[>]:)]

Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:10:14 PM EDT
I used to e-mail her nasty pictures off of Rotten.com with titles like "Dear Rosie, I am 5 Years old and..."

then there would be a pic of a mutilated kid, or something crazy like that.
I got an e-mail from her webmaster saying that those were threats, and blah blah blah....

Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:15:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:17:45 PM EDT
Mcuzi, what you get booted from??
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:17:48 PM EDT
Nah. It says "This account has been disabled" when I go to post.

Just like last time.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:18:33 PM EDT
Mcuzi, what you get booted from??
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Well, I guess "I" am not booted in the acedemic sense.
But my screen name "McUZI" is disabled.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:25:19 PM EDT
Dude sometimes you should chill, but I don't think you need to get the heave ho. BTW, are you seriously rasict or just fuckin around?
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:27:01 PM EDT
A little bit of both.

Hey. When can we shoot??

Man, i'll take a bus to where you are to shoot those toys.

(BTW- Is that you selling that 1919 on form 4 on the video clip?)
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:29:54 PM EDT
Nobody boots a server twice!  Nobody!  [:o)]
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:33:16 PM EDT
Hey Chief, are you forgetting something???............        "sherm8404 is my best friend"                            [:)]
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:33:22 PM EDT
A little bit of both.

Hey. When can we shoot??

Man, i'll take a bus to where you are to shoot those toys.

(BTW- Is that you selling that 1919 on form 4 on the video clip?)
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Should get over it, that shit is baggage. Some black people are cool, some suck, act accordingly.

I'll be more than happy to do a range day with you. You got my email for details.

And no, I don't own a 1919. Would get the M2 first.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:36:07 PM EDT

And no, I don't own a 1919. Would get the M2 first.
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Saw a guy shoot one once.
Bad mamma jamma.
Costs ENTIRELY too much $$$ to feed it, though.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:40:03 PM EDT
The cheapest FA I ever had was an American 180. Goddamn dream, snail drum .22. I really did cut a tree down with it. No B.S.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 9:54:17 PM EDT
The cheapest FA I ever had was an American 180. Goddamn dream, snail drum .22. I really did cut a tree down with it. No B.S.
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DARE I ever find a semi for a reasonable price, [B]IT'S MINE!![/B].
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:06:57 PM EDT
Good luck, last I heard even the semi's were banned. Seem's they are easy to convert.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:09:18 PM EDT
Good luck, last I heard even the semi's were banned. Seem's they are easy to convert.
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Open Bolt??

I know the Austrian ones are pretty spendy, but the Illinois manufactured ones sometimes pop up at shows.
Some guy had one at the last Ft. Myers show I went to.
2 mags, case, and all for a whole lot of $$$.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:12:21 PM EDT
[B]Name Price Description More Information


GunsAmerica #976100753
Area Code: 215 FFL Dealer: Yes  

Casull Model 290 .22lr


Casull Model 290 .22lr The Casull Model 290 is the predecessor to the American 180 .22 rifle. Designed and manufactured in the early 1960,s ( by Dick Casull, the same Dick Casull that designed the .454 Casull revolver) the Casull Model 290 is similar in appearance to the American 180 as the 290 round drum magazine is mounted on top of the receiver in a similar manner. It was one of the most expensive guns of its time (early 1960,s) selling for around $1200.00. Only 87 pieces were manufactured and all are hand made with quality that compares with a Colt Thompson, the receiver is machined out of a solid block of steel, all parts are hand fitted, built to last forever. The firearm fires from an open bolt with the bolt face striking the .22lr rim fire cartridge on two edges for positive ignition. At the time it was a popular gun to present to foreign dignitaries. Ferdinand Marcos of the Phillippines owned one. I believe that it is the highest capacity drum magazine (290 rounds) ever produced. An extremely rare and unique firearm. Condition is excellent $15000.0
GunsAmerica #976072805
Name: JIM
Area Code: 516 FFL Dealer: Yes [/B]

Gunsamerica had these.

they had a full for $5000.00 on form 4,
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:12:28 PM EDT
As I recall, open bolt. But I don't think mine was Austrian. Pretty sure it was US manufacture.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:16:45 PM EDT
Yeah, that's the one. Never realized it was made in Austria. Cool. Should have kept it. Pretty fun if you got $5000.00 doing nothing in particular. Wanna know something funny. Ft.Lauderdale P.D. owns at least 4 of these. I have NO idea what they think they will ever need them for. Anyhow, I gotta be at work in 4 hours, I better grab some zzzz's.
Link Posted: 4/20/2001 10:37:44 PM EDT
Hey Chief, are you forgetting something???............        "sherm8404 is my best friend"                            [:)]
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Yeah! What he said!!!
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:30:10 AM EDT
McIndian, no matter what you say now, you will be given less respect and your knowledge of guns will be disregarded because you cant control your tongue/fingers.
The word Nigger just pisses a whole bunch of off, it generalizes a whole race of people and many good folk are insulted.
It shows lack of experience and knowledge not to mention respect for your fellow man.
I know when I am addressed as 'white boy or spic' I will usually fire back and more thatn a few times it comes to fisticuffs.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:41:53 AM EDT
 McUzi, I respect your freedom of speech. but it does not extend to intentionally inciting a riot.  I would take it kindly if you would not use the Lord's name in vain, at least not on the title of your post.  Say whatever you like within, if I open it I deserve what I get.  Have a little respect for those of us with little kids who like AR's and computers.......
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:48:28 AM EDT
 McUzi, I respect your freedom of speech. but it does not extend to intentionally inciting a riot.  I would take it kindly if you would not use the Lord's name in vain, at least not on the title of your post.  Say whatever you like within, if I open it I deserve what I get.  Have a little respect for those of us with little kids who like AR's and computers.......
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I can respect that.
Consider it done.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 8:49:42 AM EDT
It shows lack of experience and knowledge not to mention respect for your fellow man.
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Rich, my use of the word Nigger, and the intentional disrespect I intend with it comes from DIRECT EXPERIENCE!
That's why I use it.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 9:41:56 AM EDT

Man there may be hope for you yet.

I may acutally just start to like you if I don't watch it.
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