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Posted: 2/1/2001 6:33:00 AM EDT
Yahoo News, Jonesboro Ark:

First grader suspended from Jonesboro pubik skool for taking a CHICKEN STRIP and "threatening" a teacher, by pointing the "weapon" at her and saying.."pow,pow,pow"[;)]

Skool has zero weapons tolerance policy since 1998 when a 2 "youths" killed 5 and wounded 10 at another Jonesboro school...

BTW, I'll bet you $100 that the 2 "youths" are still walking around, and still on Prozac or Ritalin

Skool official Sullivan said the punnishment was for the "thought in the mind", not the "weapon in the hand"..

G@ddammit, what have we come to? When In was a kid, in pubik skool in the 1950s, all of us had our pocket knives with us at all times...No boy was ever caught without it. All of us had our 22s and pellet rifles ALL OVER THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and nobody gave a damn. This cr@p has gone too far. Some punnishment of the real perps is sadly lacking here, IMHO
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 6:37:24 AM EDT
My dad used to have to bring his 22 to school. He kept it in the closet at school while there. On his way home he`d need to get a rabbitt or other such critter for that nights dinner.
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 6:40:10 AM EDT
I know about kids.  They'll do whatever they feel like until they have a reason not to.  You have to discipline them before things get out of hand.

If you let a kid get away with brandishing a chicken finger pretty soon he'll be pointing FRENCH FRIES at people!

Link Posted: 2/1/2001 7:02:27 AM EDT
The patients have been in charge of the asylum for quite some time.

This ranks up there with the kid who was busted for having a picture of a g*n!

I've carried a kn*fe everyday since I was a little kid. To my knowledge it's never jumped out of my pocket and hurt anyone to date.

We also made wooden rubber band g*ns in school. As long as you didn't play with them in the class room nobody said anything. Could you imagine a g*n making school project today.
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 8:35:07 AM EDT
What the skools are really teaching is antigun propaganda.
That is what is really happening here I think.
Link Posted: 2/1/2001 9:16:20 AM EDT
Well I kept mine in the truck not in a locker/closet. That has not been that long ago![:)]
Of course we used to see things differently here in Texas.
More government control would solve all these problems![;)]
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