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Posted: 9/12/2004 3:02:06 AM EDT
How long do you think it will be until they <try to> get the next Federal level anti-gun law passed?

<EDIT - Sorry, I boxed y'all in with poor wording>
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 3:05:38 AM EDT
hey, I am a majority...  1st vote...

+1 for FMO

Link Posted: 9/12/2004 3:12:14 AM EDT
Cool.  Now I'll vote....  I'm worried about the "lame duck" period.  Bush is on-record and the a$$ holes with nothing to lose will give things a parting shot.  In fact, I bet some drafts are already written and ready to go.  We need to keep the letters flowing.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 4:36:09 AM EDT
Sadly, I think the next Ban will come sometime in the sprin g
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 4:43:53 AM EDT
I'm stocking up on extra hi-cap mags and folding stocks within the next few months.  

It will continue to grow as a state by state issue,  as Ca. and Ma. already have done
with their own pre-emptive extension, and Feinstein and company will introduce a new
one with the lessons learned from the first one.  Don't  know if it will pass or not, but
I'm taking advantage if this is only a window.

Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:02:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:13:32 AM EDT
NEVER as long as I have something to say about it!!!
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:15:58 AM EDT
I think it will become a stste issue and hopefully here in Texas we are gun friendly we wont see one soon
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:21:09 AM EDT
I like to be very optimistic, and I honestly think that we have until January.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:23:16 AM EDT
Another AWB is looming in the future, we must fight it.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:27:01 AM EDT
I'm thinking it will be asap, but at the same time, they could have backed off the 'renewal' due to the dems fear of it being another reason for their not "winning" the nov election.  After nov. they'll have nothing to loose for 4 years (lol) and they will come after us with everything.

we "won" this little fight, but the war is far from over!
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:28:57 AM EDT
Bush will trade a new AWB for more tax cuts or other important legislation that he wants.

I am hoping we take enough of the Senate and house that he will not need to make these deals.

Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:31:07 AM EDT
There will be proposals & bills every year.  There always is.  It up to us to ensure that "NEVER" is the only option.  It amazes me that, after such a major victory, there are so many willing to concede defeat in a battle that really hasn't started yet.  With that attitude, you all might as well line up NOW and turn in your AWs to your local law enforcement department when it happens so that you can beat the rush.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 5:40:44 AM EDT
I know exactly when the next ban will take place.
It will start when some asshat criminal commits
an evil firearms, assault weapon, related crime.
Then it will be front page news alert and it will become
Politically Correct Again.
And it will be voted back by popular demand.
And it will be much worse than it was.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 6:17:12 AM EDT

I know exactly when the next ban will take place.
It will start when some asshat criminal commits
an evil firearms, assault weapon, related crime.
Then it will be front page news alert and it will become
Politically Correct Again.
And it will be voted back by popular demand.
And it will be much worse than it was.

Exactly. It will probably come as knee jerk reaction to some dumbshit criminal that would get his hands on the "evil weapon" regardless of the laws.

It's strange. We pass laws to prevent criminals from getting their hands on certain weapons under penalty of  jail time and THEY JUST  IGNORE THE LAWS AND DO IT ANYWAY.  We must pass more laws to prevent this kind of thing!!!

Edit: Spelling
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 6:32:51 AM EDT
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. - Thomas Jefferson

We won this battle, relish in this moment for victory is ours. But it is the curse of man that we soon forget.

The war starts again tomorrow morning gentlemen. See you at 0800.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 6:53:35 AM EDT
the way the election looks like it's going to turn out, not until after '08
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 6:55:09 AM EDT
Caliber bans are the next battle front.

Ask California.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 9:26:25 AM EDT
There will be another incident and the anti gunners will be in full swing again. All of the usual shit, cop killer bullets, full auto ar-15's,  plastic pistols that can get thru x-ray machines, etc.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 9:30:26 AM EDT
It is amazing how many of you GET OFF on the idea that someone is trying to take your guns away... that could be the only thing that maintains this DELUSION that this is ever going to be a issue again.

Prohibition has not come back
Slavery has not come back
The Alien and Sedition Acts have not come back

There is no evidence for any movement in support of continued gun regulation EXCEPT amongst those who originally promoted it in the first place in the 80's and early 90's.

With the Internet to prohibt them using the media to shill for them there is no way they can mount a comback, since the original passage was a FRAUD to begin with..  
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 9:44:19 AM EDT

It is amazing how many of you GET OFF on the idea that someone is trying to take your guns away... that could be the only thing that maintains this DELUSION that this is ever going to be a issue again.

Prohibition has not come back
Slavery has not come back
The Alien and Sedition Acts have not come back

There is no evidence for any movement in support of continued gun regulation EXCEPT amongst those who originally promoted it in the first place in the 80's and early 90's.

With the Internet to prohibt them using the media to shill for them there is no way they can mount a comback, since the original passage was a FRAUD to begin with..  

Good points.  The truth is somewhere between this boundless optimism, and the doomsayers.

The next gun ban will happen, when we get complacent and let up.
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 11:56:52 AM EDT
I posted this info in another thread yesterday.  I will repost it here to illustrate how complex it was back in 1994 to pass the original ban.  Seriously guys, there is no way another feature based Federal AWB will ever be passed again.


Back in March of this year, everyone got a lesson in the amendment process in Congress. The AW portions of the 1994 crime bill signed into law on Sept 13, 1994 were actually voted on much earlier. The Senate, of course, passed the "Feinstein Amendment No. 1152" (what else?) on November 17, 1993. The vote was 56 to 43 with one Senator not voting. Here is the vote by State:

Alabama: Heflin (D-AL), Nay Shelby (D-AL), Nay
Alaska: Murkowski (R-AK), Nay Stevens (R-AK), Nay
Arizona: DeConcini (D-AZ), Yea McCain (R-AZ), Nay
Arkansas: Bumpers (D-AR), Yea Pryor (D-AR), Yea
California: Boxer (D-CA), Yea Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Colorado: Brown (R-CO), Yea Campbell (D-CO), Yea
Connecticut: Dodd (D-CT), Yea Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Delaware: Biden (D-DE), Yea Roth (R-DE), Yea
Florida: Graham (D-FL), Yea Mack (R-FL), Nay
Georgia: Coverdell (R-GA), Nay Nunn (D-GA), Yea
Hawaii: Akaka (D-HI), Yea Inouye (D-HI), Yea
Idaho: Craig (R-ID), Nay Kempthorne (R-ID), Nay
Illinois: Moseley-Braun (D-IL), Yea Simon (D-IL), Yea
Indiana: Coats (R-IN), Yea Lugar (R-IN), Yea
Iowa: Grassley (R-IA), Nay Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Kansas: Dole (R-KS), Nay Kassebaum (R-KS), Yea
Kentucky: Ford (D-KY), Yea McConnell (R-KY), Nay
Louisiana: Breaux (D-LA), Nay Johnston (D-LA), Nay
Maine: Cohen (R-ME), Nay Mitchell (D-ME), Yea
Maryland: Mikulski (D-MD), Yea Sarbanes (D-MD), Yea
Massachusetts: Kennedy (D-MA), Yea Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Michigan: Levin (D-MI), Yea Riegle (D-MI), Yea
Minnesota: Durenberger (R-MN), Nay Wellstone (D-MN), Yea
Mississippi: Cochran (R-MS), Nay Lott (R-MS), Nay
Missouri: Bond (R-MO), Nay Danforth (R-MO), Yea
Montana: Baucus (D-MT), Yea Burns (R-MT), Nay
Nebraska: Exon (D-NE), Yea Kerrey (D-NE), Yea
Nevada: Bryan (D-NV), Nay Reid (D-NV), Nay
New Hampshire: Gregg (R-NH), Nay Smith (R-NH), Nay
New Jersey: Bradley (D-NJ), Yea Lautenberg (D-NJ), Yea
New Mexico: Bingaman (D-NM), Nay Domenici (R-NM), Nay
New York: D'Amato (R-NY), Nay Moynihan (D-NY), Yea
North Carolina: Faircloth (R-NC), Nay Helms (R-NC), Nay
North Dakota: Conrad (D-ND), Yea Dorgan (D-ND), Not Voting
Ohio: Glenn (D-OH), Yea Metzenbaum (D-OH), Yea
Oklahoma: Boren (D-OK), Yea Nickles (R-OK), Nay
Oregon: Hatfield (R-OR), Yea Packwood (R-OR), Yea
Pennsylvania: Specter (R-PA), Nay Wofford (D-PA), Yea
Rhode Island: Chafee (R-RI), Yea Pell (D-RI), Yea
South Carolina: Hollings (D-SC), Nay Thurmond (R-SC), Nay
South Dakota: Daschle (D-SD), Yea Pressler (R-SD), Nay
Tennessee: Mathews (D-TN), Yea Sasser (D-TN), Nay
Texas: Gramm (R-TX), Nay Hutchison (R-TX), Nay
Utah: Bennett (R-UT), Nay Hatch (R-UT), Nay
Vermont: Jeffords (R-VT), Yea Leahy (D-VT), Yea
Virginia: Robb (D-VA), Yea Warner (R-VA), Nay
Washington: Gorton (R-WA), Nay Murray (D-WA), Yea
West Virginia: Byrd (D-WV), Yea Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Wisconsin: Feingold (D-WI), Yea Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Wyoming: Simpson (R-WY), Nay Wallop (R-WY), Nay

The House voted on a similar piece of legislation on May 5, 1994. They called it the.....sit down..........."PUBLIC SAFETY AND RECREATION FIREARMS USE PROTECTION ACT"

The vote was 216 to 214 with 3 not voting. Party breakdown was Republican 38 yes, 137 no. Democrat 177 yes, 77 no. Check out who one of the "Not Voting" members was........FOLEY! The freaking Speaker of the House did not vote on the original bill. What a crock of gutless shit! He lost BTW in the next election

Here is the vote (Republican members are in Italics)............

--- YES 216 ---
Abercrombie Greenwood Morella
Ackerman Gutierrez Nadler
Andrews (ME) Hall (OH) Neal
Andrews Hamburg Neal (NC)
Andrews (TX) Harman Olver
Applegate Hastings (FL) Owens
Bacchus (FL) Hoagland Pallone
Baesler Hochbrueckner Pastor
Barrett (WI) Horn Payne (NJ)
Bateman Houghton Pelosi
Becerra Hoyer Penny
Beilenson Huffington Pickle
Bereuter Hughes Pomeroy
Berman Hyde Porter
Bishop Inslee Price (NC)
Blackwell Jacobs Pryce
Blute Jefferson Quinn
Boehlert Johnson (CT) Rangel
Bonior Johnson (GA) Reed
Borski Johnson, E. B. Reynolds
Brown (CA) Johnston Ridge
Brown (FL) Kaptur Roemer
Brown (OH) Kasich Ros-Lehtinen
Bryant (TX) Kennedy (MA) Rostenkowski
Byrne Kennelly Roukema
Cantwell Kildee Roybal-Allard
Cardin King Rush
Carr Kleczka Sabo
Castle Klein Sanders
Clay Klug Sangmeister
Clayton Kreidler Sawyer
Clyburn LaFalce Saxton
Coleman Lambert Schenk
Collins (IL) Lantos Schroeder
Collins (MI) Lazio Schumer
Condit Leach Scott
Conyers Lehman Serrano
Coppersmith Levin Sharp
Coyne Levy Shaw
DeLauro Lewis (GA) Shays
Dellums Lipinski Shepherd
Derrick Lloyd Skaggs
Deutsch Lowey Slattery
Dicks Machtley Slaughter
Dixon Maloney Smith (NJ)
Dooley Mann Spratt
Durbin Manton Stark
Edwards (CA) Margolies-Mezvinsky Stokes
Edwards Markey Studds
Engel Martinez Swett
English (AZ) Matsui Swift
Eshoo Mazzoli Synar
Evans McCurdy Thompson
Farr McDade Torres
Fawell McDermott Torricelli
Fazio McHale Towns
Fields (LA) McKinney Traficant
Filner McNulty Tucker
Fingerhut Meehan Valentine
Flake Meek Velazquez
Foglietta Menendez Vento
Ford (MI) Meyers Visclosky
Ford Mfume Washington
Frank (MA) Michel Waters
Franks (NJ) Miller (CA) Watt (NC)
Furse Miller (FL) Waxman
Gejdenson Mineta Wheat
Gephardt Minge Woolsey
Gibbons Mink Wyden
Gilchrest Moakley Wynn
Glickman Molinari Yates
Gonzalez Moran Young (FL)

--- NO 214 ---
Allard Gilman Parker
Archer Gingrich Paxon
Armey Goodlatte Payne (VA)
Bachus Goodling Peterson (FL)
Baker (CA) Gordon Peterson (MN)
Baker (LA) Goss Petri
Ballenger Grams Pickett
Barca Grandy Pombo
Barcia Green Portman
Barlow Gunderson Poshard
Barrett (NE) Hall (TX) Quillen
Bartlett Hamilton Rahall
Barton Hancock Ramstad
Bentley Hansen Ravenel
Bevill Hastert Regula
Bilbray Hayes Richardson
Bilirakis Hefley Roberts
Bliley Hefner Rohrabacher
Boehner Herger Rose
Bonilla Hilliard Roth
Boucher Hinchey Rowland
Brewster Hobson Royce
Brooks Hoekstra Santorum
Browder Hoke Sarpalius
Bunning Holden Schaefer
Burton Hunter Schiff
Buyer Hutchinson Sensenbrenner
Callahan Hutto Shuster
Calvert Inglis Sisisky
Camp Inhofe Skeen
Canady Istook Skelton
Chapman Johnson (SD) Smith (IA)
Clement Johnson, Sam Smith (MI)
Clinger Kanjorski Smith (OR)
Coble Kim Smith (TX)
Collins (GA) Kingston Snowe
Combest Klink Solomon
Cooper Knollenberg Spence
Costello Kolbe Stearns
Cox Kopetski Stenholm
Cramer Kyl Strickland
Crane Lancaster Stump
Crapo LaRocco Stupak
Cunningham Laughlin Sundquist
Danner Lewis (CA) Talent
Darden Lewis (FL) Tanner
de la Garza Lightfoot Tauzin
Deal Linder Taylor (MS)
DeFazio Livingston Taylor (NC)
DeLay Manzullo Tejeda
Diaz-Balart McCandless Thomas
Dickey McCloskey Thomas (WY)
Dingell McCollum Thornton
Doolittle McCrery Thurman
Dornan McHugh Torkildsen
Dreier McInnis Unsoeld
Duncan McKeon Upton
Dunn McMillan Volkmer
Ehlers Mica Vucanovich
Emerson Mollohan Walker
Everett Montgomery Walsh
Ewing Moorhead Weldon (PA)
Fields (TX) Murphy Whitten
Fish Murtha Williams
Fowler Myers Wilson
Franks (CT) Nussle Wise
Frost Oberstar Wolf
Gallegly Obey Young (AK)
Gallo Ortiz Zeliff
Gekas Orton Zimmer
Geren Oxley
Gillmor Packard

--- NOT VOTING 3 ---
Foley Long Rogers

Now, once these amendments were passed in each House, they were then reconciled in Conference and added to the Omnibus bill that became known as the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994". THIS is the bill that Clinton signed into law on September 13, 1994. It needed Gore to cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate as several Senators who voted FOR the amendment pulled their support for the AWB at the last minute.

This should illustrate just how complex the process was 10 years ago. We all have to keep in mind how incredibly devisive and close this issue was and how long it took. For all of you out there who think another ban is only a "Midnight session" away, look at what had to take place over YEARS. Also, keep in mind, this ALL took place at the height of the anti-gun hysteria WITH an anti-gun President in the White House and in a Democrat controlled Congress!!!

We are NOT going to see another Federal AWB..................EVER! The States are the battlefields now.
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