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Posted: 5/12/2003 1:03:22 PM EDT
and they were asking for money to help maintain control of the House. Used the usual scare tactics such as "Dems are fighting hard to retake the government, etc."

I informed them that I will be voting Libertarian in the next election. And before she chould hang up I told them why. I said it was specifically George Bush's pledge to sign the new AW Ban, which I mentioned is traditionally a Democratic issue, and that I no longer see much difference between the two parties.

Obviously when the election comes around I will vote Republican simply to keep the Dems from winning but this was a wonderful opportunity to make Republicans feel the heat without helping teh Democrats.

I urge everyone to do the same.

When the "money collectors" inform the higher ups that the AW Ban is costing them revenue, things WILL change.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:05:20 PM EDT
Well played.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:16:06 PM EDT
Well played indeed.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:26:04 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:27:18 PM EDT
Same thing happened to me a week or so ago.  I didn't even let the guy get past the first sentence before I interrupted him, stating that they would not get a penny from me because of Bush's statement in support of the ban.

He tried to slip in a "but..." (presumably he was going to say "But we've passed gun industry lawsuit protection legislation"), but I wouldn't let him finish, completed my little speech, then hung up.  Perhaps I should have listened to what he had to say, but I wasn't really interested in any excuses and/or justifications.

Then again, this guy was probably just a worker for a telemarketing company, and simply had a list of responses for various issues that their targets might bring up.

But if enough people respond similarly, surely this will work its way up to the GOP leadership.

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:30:14 PM EDT

Bravo, sir.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:37:35 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
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Because the Libertarians suck Republican votes, giving Dems an edge. They might as well be Democrats, number wise.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:38:38 PM EDT
Wonder if a phone solicitor cares or relays the bitch???
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:42:26 PM EDT
If the money doesn't come in, they'll get the message quickly.

Well done, sir.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 1:58:12 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
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Yes, and that message would be "Hello President Hillary, Shaprton, Gore, etc."

When the Libs run a VIABLE candidate I will vote for that person. Until that time I will continue to protect my freedoms from the greatest threat using the most practical means.

I am a Libertarian. Just a intelligent, rational Libertarian who uses common sense.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:10:16 PM EDT
Great idea,  I keep getting solicitations for re-joining the party.  I'll mail it back with a similar response, and no money.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:34:27 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
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How about sitting on your ass and taking a nap on election day instead. It would serve the same purpose.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:16:40 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
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[b]And awaaaay we go!![/b]  [snoopy]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:35:27 PM EDT
You told the caller you see little difference between the democrats and the republicans, yet you’ll still vote fort the republicans.

How about voting Libertarian and not just threatening?  Now that would send a message.
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Two guys talking about who to vote for President...

Guy 1) Who you gonna vote for President?

Guy 2) Patrick Henry.

Guy 1) Uh... He's dead. He can't be elected.

Guy 2) I still want him - he stands for everything I believe. He's a TRUE patriot!

Guy 1) But he's DEAD. He CAN'T be elected.

Guy 2) How about if I write his name on the ballot as a write-in candidate?

Guy 1) What do you not understand???? Yes you can write his name on the ballot but Patrick Henry is [b]UNELECTABLE[/b]!!! You can vote for him - but he WON'T WIN!!! Don't you see??? You'll be wasting your vote!! You need to pick someone who actually has a CHANCE of winning!!!

Guy 2) Okay. How about Harry Browne.


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