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Posted: 5/29/2002 10:17:58 PM EDT
.....is on TNT right now, if anyone cares.
Pulp Fiction is on too (Encore I think), [i]FWIW[/i].
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:19:33 PM EDT
Pulp Fiction has to be one of the best movies of all time
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:21:30 PM EDT
pulp fiction is totally cool
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:49:13 PM EDT
The Long Riders is excellent . . .
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:03:06 PM EDT
Haven't seen either.  I really need to get a (working) TV.  Of course, there isn't cable where I live, so then I'd have to get a dish.  Then, I'd have to sell a body part to pay the monthly bills.  Hmmm, is it worth a kidney to see a bunch of good movies...z(HavingAr15.comWithdrawelSyptomsEvenThoughImStillHere)
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 5:39:45 AM EDT
I have the Long Riders on DVD...very cool movie.
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