Took my 10 hr class yesterday for my CHL in Texas.
I am scared.
More than half the people in that class were there as security gaurds, already carrying while in uniforms.
These people are fucking morons.
One girl actually said, why should I get a chl, there's too many laws to remember where I can carry it. Although she said it in ebonics.
Unfortunatly, my language skills are not developed enough to adequately describe the people in this class.
However, the guy I sat next too, 21 yr old hispanic kid, told me he could do the 40 yd dash in 8 secs....
Which, as he says, is pretty fast for a 485 lb man. That's right 485. He said he lost 35lbs, and is usually 520.
But, good news, he only has 3 more months of unemployment. Imagine my suprise when he told me he has a new Beretta 92fs in inox, but doesn't like the double action pull, so he's gonna get another, even though he just bought this on a month ago. He was sad that he missed the Laker's gamen, but it's ok, he has tivo. Fortunately, his brand new celphone only went off 2 or 3 times during class. Amazingly enough, he was one of the guys I would have rather had the chl, than some of the others.
Freaking scary!!!
On a side note, DAMN! I missed the 5 spot on 2 younds, so I only scored 248 out of 250 on the qual. Part.
60 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait