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Posted: 3/24/2001 2:06:46 AM EDT
Help please on the purpose of these files when you open up Programs, then Windows.  I have 20 folders under the heading Temporary Internet Files.  Each folder contains exactly the same info in them, however, each folder has its own individual folder number.Is there a way to delete these subfolders?  Any help on answering this question would be appreciated.  Thanks  DD
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 3:25:06 AM EDT
they store info about pages you visit to load them faster. some people dont like them cause they store info on where you visit, i dont like them cause they are a pain. look through them. most can be deleted. DONT delete any subscription one though (i.e. ar15.com, hotmail, yahoomail, ect.....)you can limit the space allowed for temp internet files, it is in internet options, then settings, turn it to lower than 60 meg.
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