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Posted: 6/10/2002 7:04:11 PM EDT
Okay.  I'm surfing monster.com or some other job site one night and come across this job announcement seeking talent scouts.  Intrigued, I read the job description and decided that since I love to ogle hot chicks, why not get paid to do it!  So, I go to their website and fill out the on-line questioneer, pick some hot chicks out of a lineup and figure I've had my fun for the night.

Next day, I get an e-mail telling me that based on the results of my on-line survey, I fit their profile of somebody likely to be a successfull talent scout.  It also tells me that an interview has been set up for me at 1000 on a certin date and that if I am interested in going further in the process, to confirm the scheduled interview via e-mail and to show up at the appointed time with a copy of this letter and a resume.

Okay, this start to sound not only interesting, but a bit too good to be true.  I go back to the original companies website and "surf" and find all sorts of cool information about what to expect in the type of profession, yada, yada, yada.  Needless to say, I figure there are talent scouts out there, why can't I get paid to look at hot womenz, and what the heck, why not take a half a day off from my crummy job and go check this out a bit further.  My question to all of you is....has anybody heard of this being a scam?  I would hate to show up and find out that for the low low price of $2995, I can sign up for their week long course on Talent Scouting 101 with gauranteed job placement assistance if I "pass".  On the other hand....isn't this most guys dream job?

Link Posted: 6/10/2002 7:13:55 PM EDT
Let me get this straight.  You're scamming them (wanting to get paid to look at women), and you're worried about them scamming you?  I don't think you have a valid complaint.

I would hate to show up and find out that for the low low price of $2995, I can sign up for their week long course on Talent Scouting 101 with gauranteed job placement assistance if I "pass".
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Those suck.  My great-nephew recently went through that sort of scam with BellSouth.  After spending about $3K on classes and almost that much on travel and motel rooms, they didn't hire him due to a budget cut.z
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 7:24:46 PM EDT
That would suck.  The impression that I got from their website is they want you to be out and about around people, looking and watching for the "flavor" of the month.  The beach, bars, college campuses, etc.  That's what made all this sound too good to be true.

here is the website.  Check it out....

Link Posted: 6/10/2002 8:25:10 PM EDT
Well I went through the site and found out that you would need to go through a "training program". It did not mention and cost of course. But what the hey, I took the test anyways. Except, I picked all the ugly people. If they send me an invite to continue then we'll know its a scam.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 8:30:57 PM EDT
MMMM....Model of the month April.....yummy...I'd love to scout her talent. [:D][sex][:D]

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:30:35 AM EDT
Well...got the interview this morning.  Figure I might as well go check it out.  I'll let you know what they say.....
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:39:37 AM EDT
i cannot wait to hear the results of this...

good luck.
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