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Posted: 1/29/2011 8:51:27 AM EDT
I just want a nook sized device to browse the internet on my home wireless network. My B&W nook is about useless for that, but it is a nice book reader. Any thoughts appreciated.
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 11:10:14 PM EDT
Nook color and root it.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 5:20:10 AM EDT
I'm waiting for the dual-core tablets to come out in 2-3 months before I buy one.
You'll want a ~7" tablet, it will be similar in size to the Nook.

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 1:38:15 PM EDT
I think I'm gonna wait for more of the Tegra devices too, the only ones actually released seem to be the Viewsonic and the elocity. Thanks guys!
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 6:33:08 AM EDT
I think I'm gonna wait for more of the Tegra devices too, the only ones actually released seem to be the Viewsonic and the elocity. Thanks guys!

I have had the Viewsonic G Tablet since Thanksgiving. When it was first released the out of the box experience was not good. After the developers over at XDA got a hold of it they turned into a pretty sweet device. There are a few good custom ROMs to pick from. The only downside (which doesn't bother me much) is the screen's viewing angle.
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