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Posted: 4/18/2001 11:54:50 PM EDT
There is a terrible campaign under way by the name of "Drown the
IRS 2002."

It is organized on the web by an angry group of over-taxed, bitter
libertarians. We must do everything we can to stop them. They are
planning to send millions of bogus 1040 tax returns to the IRS next
tax year.

They are going to use freely-available W2 templates, social security
numbers (SSNs), and employer identification numbers (EINs). They
hope to swamp the IRS with their own paperwork.


This is a danger to our huge-government, socialist way of life.

These dangerous freedom-lovers must be stopped. Life without a
massive, all-powerful Federal Government is unthinkable. Please
forward this warning to as many message boards as possible. We must
get the word out to as many people as possible in order to stop them.
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:00:18 AM EDT
Hmmmm....I denote a certain sense of sarcasm here.[:D]
Link Posted: 4/19/2001 12:35:08 AM EDT
I thought next year we were going to get a tax break and have it be retro-active.  Wouldn't your little attack be confused as a protest against lower taxes and smaller government?

Libertarian ideals rock, but people need to think a little.  

I wonder how many of these good people will take "personal responsibility" for the mess they would create, and for all the pissed off people who will have to wait to get their refunds.
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